Title Život i djela Mirka Danijela Bogdanića od 1760. do 1802. godine
Title (english) THE LIFE AND WORKS OF
FROM 1760 TO 1802
Author Vlatko Smiljanić
Mentor Stjepan Ćosić (mentor)
Committee member Vlatka Vukelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Eva Katarina Glazer (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Holjevac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94 - History of individual countries
Abstract Autor se u radu bavi integralnom biografijom Mirka Danijela Bogdanića (Virovitica, 1760. – Budim, 1802.), jednoga od najznamenitijih hrvatskih prirodoslovnih znanstvenika tijekom druge polovice XVIII. stoljeća u Habsburškoj Monarhiji. Donosi se sažeti pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja o Bogdaniću te povijesni kontekst u razdoblju tijekom kojega je živio i radio. Posebno se analizira njegovo obiteljsko porijeklo po očevoj strani važno za njegov napredak kao i važnost rodnoga grada Virovitice
... More osobito sredinom XVIII. stoljeća. U životopisu se interpretira i raščlanjuje Bogdanićeva mladost, obrazovanje, stručna i profesorska karijera, inicijativa za pokretanje prvih pretpreporodnih novina na hrvatskomu jeziku, astronomsko-kartografske ekspedicije, socijalno-psihološki profil te smrt. U drugom se poglavlju interpretiranju i analiziraju Bogdanićeva objavljena i neobjavljena djela s najvećim naglaskom na latinskoj matematičkoj raspravi i sintezi svjetske povijesti staroga Istoka na hrvatskomu jeziku. Naposljetku je poglavlje o recepciji na Bogdanića poslije njegove smrti do današnjega doba. O njemu je do danas pisano u nizu inozemnih periodičkih publikacija te inozemnih i hrvatskih enciklopedija. Bogdanićev primjer potvrđuje da je i u okviru biografike bio slabo zastupljen u hrvatskoj historiografiji. U ovomu se radu Bogdanićev život i rad proučavaju u kontekstu razvoja povijesti znanosti u Hrvata u širem okviru Habsburške Monarhije tijekom XVIII. stoljeća. Temeljem dosadašnjih znanja i novostečenih spoznaja dokazuje se i objašnjava da je Mirko Danijel Bogdanić jedan od najznačajnijih hrvatskih prirodoslovnih znanstvenika XVIII. stoljeća nesvećeničkoga i neplemićkoga porijekla. Less
Abstract (english) The author deals with the integral biography of Mirko Danijel Bogdanić (Virovitica, 1760 - Budim, 1802), one of the most notable Croatian natural scientists during the second half of the XVIII century in the Habsburg Monarchy. A brief overview of previous research on Bogdanić and the historical context in the period during which he lived and worked is provided. His family origin on his father's side is especially analyzed, important for his progress, as well as the significance of his
... More hometown Virovitica, especially in the middle of the XVIII century. The biography interprets and analyzes Bogdanić's youth, education, professional and professorial career, the initiative to start the first pre-revival newspaper in the Croatian language, astronomical-cartographic expeditions, social-psychological profile and death. In the second chapter, Bogdanić's published and unpublished works are interpreted and analyzed with the greatest emphasis on the Latin mathematical treatise and the synthesis of the world history of the ancient East in the Croatian language. Finally, there is a chapter on the reception of Bogdanić after his death until today, based on the analysis of Croatian and foreign periodical publications, lexicons and encyclopedias. The paper shows that in Croatian historiography there is a visible lack of biography as a historiographical form whose basic purpose is to create a clearer context for the development of the history of exact sciences in Croats and the scientific thought of Croatian intellectuals within the framework of the Habsburg Monarchy during the modern age. Based on previous knowledge and newly acquired knowledge, it is proved and explained that Mirko Danijel Bogdanić is one of the most important Croatian natural scientists of the XVIII century of non-priestly and non-noble origin. Less
egzaktne znanosti
Francuska revolucija 1789.
Habsburška Monarhija
Hrvatski narodni preporod
Mirko Danijel Bogdanić
povijest znanosti
rani novi vijek
stari vijek
Vojna krajina.
Keywords (english)
Age of Enlightenment
ancient history
early modern age
French Revolution in 1789
Habsburg monarchy
history of science
Illyrian movement
Military Frontier
Mirko Danijel Bogdanić
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:186008
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctroal study in history Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-14 12:04:24