Title Predviđanje socijalne anksioznosti na temelju kvalitete obiteljskih i vršnjačkih odnosa
Title (english) Prediction of socialanxiety based on quality of family and peer relations
Author Ema Gregčević
Mentor Jelena Maričić (mentor)
Mentor Jelena Flego (sumentor)
Committee member Andreja Brajša-Žganec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Jelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Maričić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati ulogu kvalitete obiteljskih i vršnjačkih odnosa u objašnjenju socijalne anksioznosti adolescenata. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 290 učenika jedne gimnazije u Zagrebačkoj županiji. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom jednog školskog sata te su sudionici ispunili Skalu vršnjačkih odnosa za adolescente, Skalu percepcije obiteljskih odnosa, Liebowitzov upitnik socijalne anksioznosti za djecu i adolescente i upitnik općih socio-demografskih podataka. Učenici svoje vršnjačke odnose najčešće procjenjuju visoko kvalitetnima, majku i oca većinom procjenjuju visoko na dimenziji emocionalnosti i nisko na dimenziji kontrole te većina učenika iskazuje relativno nizak stupanj socijalne anksioznosti. Proveden je t-test koji ukazuje na značajne spolne razlike u procijenjenoj kvaliteti obiteljskih odnosa i emocionalnosti oca u smjeru viših rezultata kod dječaka. Također su pronađene značajne razlike u socijalnoj anksioznosti, njenim subskalama i kvaliteti vršnjačkih odnosa, točnije u područjima prisnosti, povjerenja i pronicljivosti u smjeru viših rezultata kod djevojaka. Utvrđena je značajna negativna povezanost socijalne anksioznosti sa procijenjenom kvalitetom obiteljskih odnosa, emocionalnosti majke i oca i kvalitetom vršnjačkih odnosa te značajna pozitivna sa kontrolom oca. Također su utvrđene značajne pozitivne povezanosti procijenjene kvalitete obiteljskih odnosa s kvalitetom obiteljskih odnosa te emocionalnost majke i oca s kvalitetom vršnjačkih odnosa. Socijalna anksioznost je značajno negativno povezana sa subskalom popularnosti, dok su povezanosti sa subskalama prisnosti i povjerenja značajne, ali gotovo zanemarive. Provedena je hijerarhijska regresijska analiza u četiri koraka, sa strahom, izbjegavanjem i ukupnom socijalnom anksioznošću kao kriterijima te sa spolom, dobi, kvalitetom obiteljskih i vršnjačkih odnosa kao prediktorima. Postoci objašnjene varijance kreću se u rasponu od 31,7.8% do 35,8%, s učestalijim značajnim prediktorima spola, popularnosti, i emocionalnosti oca te sa donekle kontradiktornim nalazima u pogledu roditeljske kontrole. Može se zaključiti kako obiteljski i vršnjački odnosi igraju bitnu ulogu u objašnjenju socijalne anksioznosti adolescenata te je potrebno detaljnije istražiti mehanizme u pozadini.
Abstract (english) The aim of this study was to examine the role of the quality of family and peer relationships in explaining social anxiety in adolescents. The total of 290 students of one high school in Zagreb County participated in the study. The study was conducted durin one class period and participants completed Peer Relationship Scale for Adolescents, Family Relationship Perception Scale, Liebowitz's Social Anxiety Scale for Children and Adolescents and a general socio-demographic data questionnaire. Students mostly percieve their peer relationships as high quality, they percieve their mothers and fathers generaly high on the dimension of emotionality and low on the dimension of control and they also report a low degree of social anxiety. A t-test was conducted indicating significant gender differences in the estimated quality of family relationships and the emotionality of father in the direction of higher results in boys. There were also significant differences in social anxiety, its subscales and the quality of peer relationships, more precisely in the areas of intimacy, trust and insightfulness in the direction of higher results in girls. Results show a significant negative correlation between social anxiety and assessment of the quality of family relationships, the emotionality of the mother and father and the quality of peer relationships and a significant positive correlation with the control of the father. Furthermore, it was also shown that subjective assessment of the quality of family relationships is significantly positively correlated with the quality of family relationships, as is the emotionality of mother and father with the quality of peer relationships. Social anxiety is significantly negatively associated with the subscale of popularity, while associations with subscales of intimacy and trust are significant, but negligible low. A four-step hierarchical regression analysis was conducted, with fear and avoidance as components of social anxiety and overall social anxiety a criteria and with gender, age, quality of family and peer relationships as predictors. The percentages of explained variance range from 31.7% to 35.8%, with more frequent significant predictors of gender, popularity and father emotionality, and somewhat contradictory findings regarding parental control. It can be concluded that family and peer relationships play an important role in explaining adolescent social anxiety and it is necessary to explore the mechanisms in the background in more detail.
socijalna anksioznost
obiteljski odnosi
vršnjački odnosi
roditeljska kontrola
roditeljska emocionalnost
Keywords (english)
social anxiety
family relations
peer relationships
parental control
parental emotionality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:033141
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-09-20 12:46:34