Title Aspekti čovjekove intrinzične težnje k transcedentnom
Title (english) Aspects of human intrinsic tendencies to the transcendent
Author Tea Karla Coronelli
Mentor Marko Kardum (mentor)
Committee member Željka Metesi Deronjić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandro Skansi (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Kardum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Philosophy and Cultural Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Abstract U ovom radu razmatramo čovjekovu, moguće unutarnju težnju prema transcendentnom te analiziramo tri značajne dimenzije: neuroznanstvenu, evolucijsko psihologijsku i kulturološku. Najprije istražujemo kako su znanost i religija često percipirani kao suparnici, ali konstatiramo mogućnost njihove suradnje. Nadalje, analiziramo različite koncepcije duše i istražujemo gdje se ona nalazi prema različitim znanstvenim i filozofskim tumačenjima.
U nastavku analiziramo područje neuroznanosti, uključujući i frenologiju kao preteču moderne neroznanosti te povezanost jastva i religijskih doživljaja s neurologijom i neurokemijom u čovjekovom mozgu. Dotičemo se razlika između uobičajenog uma i pojedinaca s neurološkim poremećajima u poimanju jastva. Nadalje, u poglavlju o evolucijskoj psihologiji analizira se odnos između evolucije i religije. Postavlja se pitanje je li čovjeku urođena sklonost prema konceptu transcendencije; analiziramo kako djeca percipiraju teističke koncepte te poimanje života nakon smrti. Također, analiziramo evolucijske čimbenike koji oblikuju religijske doživljaje, uključujući snove, jezik, razum i imaginaciju. U području kulture analizira se proces kulturnog učenja i prijenosa religije te utjecaj religije na društvo. Proučavaju se bogovi kao društvena bića, različiti aspekti religijskih obreda te religijski jezik. Također, bavimo se kulturom nevjerovanja - ateizam.
Kroz ova poglavlja, istražujemo kompleksan odnos između znanosti, religije i kulture te kako oni oblikuju naše razumijevanje jastva i njegove težnje prema dostizanju transcendencije. Zaključujemo da je taj odnos složen i da znanost i religija mogu biti partneri u razumijevanju ljudskog postojanja i težnje prema transcendentnom. Osim toga, težnja prema transcendentnom može se objasniti jedino kao kombinacija raznih bioloških, urođenih faktora, kao i onih kulturnih, naučenih faktora.
Abstract (english) In this paper, we explore human's possible internal inclination towards the transcendent and analyze three significant dimensions: neuroscientific, evolutionary psychological, and cultural. Firstly, we investigate how science and religion are often perceived as rivals but acknowledge the potential for their collaboration. Furthermore, we analyze different conceptions of the soul and explore its location according to various scientific and philosophical interpretations.
Next, we analyze the field of neuroscience, including phrenology as a precursor to modern neuroscience, and the connection between the self and religious experiences within the human brain's neurology and neurochemistry. We touch upon the differences between the ordinary mind and individuals with neurological disorders in their perception of self. In the next chapter we analyze the relationship between evolution and religion.
We inquire whether humans have an innate predisposition towards the concept of transcendence; we examine how children perceive theistic concepts and the notion of life after death. Additionally, we analyze evolutionary factors that shape religious experiences, including dreams, language, reason, and imagination. In the realm of culture, we examine the process of cultural learning and the transmission of religion, as well as the impact of religion on society. We study gods as social beings, various aspects of religious rituals, and religious language. We also delve into the culture of disbelief - atheism.
Throughout these chapters, we investigate the intricate relationship between science, religion, and culture and how they shape our understanding of the self and its tendency for transcendence. We conclude that this relationship is complex and that science and religion can be partners in comprehending human existence and its inclination towards the transcendent. Moreover, the inclination towards the transcendent can only be explained as a combination of various biological innate factors and cultural learned factors.
evolucijska psihologija
intrinzična težnja
Keywords (english)
evolutionary psychology
intrinsic tendency
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:545694
Study programme Title: Department of Philosophy; specializations in: scientific, teaching Course: scientific Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra filozofije (magistar/magistra filozofije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-20 13:38:01