Title Povezanost korištenja digitalnih tehnologija i izvršnih funkcija kod djece
Title (english) Relationship between digital technology use and executive functions in children
Author Nera Blagdan
Mentor Toni Babarović (mentor)
Committee member Andreja Brajša-Žganec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dunja Jurić Vukelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Toni Babarović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Sveprisutnost digitalnih tehnologija i njihovo učestalo korištenje uzrokuje zabrinutost u javnosti
zbog potencijalno negativnog utjecaja tehnologije na dobrobit korisnika . Literatura ukazuje na
kontradiktornost spoznaja i teškoće u sintezi spoznaja zbog korištenja različitih mjera u
istraživanjima te specifičnosti konteksta i korisnika. Uz ukupno vrijeme provedeno u korištenju
digitalnih tehnologija, potrebno je uzeti u obzir različite okolnosti korištenja kako bi se mogle
definirati jasnije smjernice za roditelje i stručnjake. S obzirom na nedostat ak istraživanja
usmjerenih na razdoblje srednje g djetinjstv a , u ovom se radu nastoji razjasniti odnos korištenja
digitalnih tehnologija i izvršnih funkcija kod učenika četvrtih razreda osnovne škole (N=400)
prosječne dobi 10 godina, na temelju podataka pri kupljenih u sklopu projekta Hrvatske zaklade za
znanost Dobrobit djeteta u kontekstu obitelji (CHILD WELL). Prema procjenama majki, učenici
prosječno koriste digitalne uređaje oko 3 sata dnevno tijekom vikenda, što je manje od očekivanog
i blizu postojećim preporukama temeljenim na istraživanjima odnosa tehnologije i tjelesne
aktivnosti. Dječaci češće igraju igre ili koriste aplikacije za zabavu, dok djevojčice češće slušaju
glazbu i stvaraju različite medijske sadržaje te komuniciraju putem aplik acija. T emelj e m procjena
majki u vidu ukupnog rezultata na upitniku BRIEF2, d jeca generalno nemaju izražene teškoće
izvršnih funkcija što je očekivano jer se radi o normalnoj populaciji . Učestalo st pretraživanj a
interneta , kao i učestalost komuni ciranja p utem aplikacija poveza n a je s man jom izraženošću
teškoća izvršnih funkcija. Aktivnosti poput gledanja videosadržaja, slušanja ili stvaranja glazbe,
stvaranja fotografija ili videa te posjećivanja društvenih mreža nisu povezane s teškoćama izvršnih
funkcija. Međutim, rezultati ukazuju da je p otreban poseb an oprez kod dječaka koji su generalno
skloniji teškoć ama izvršnih funkcij a , a provode više vremena igrajući videoigre ili koristeći
aplikacije za zabavu. Važno je napomenuti da nije poznato o kojim igrama i aplikacijama je riječ,
te se najvjerojatnije rad i o dvosmjernoj povezanosti . B uduća bi istraživanja trebala preciznije
istražiti taj odnos uzimajući u obzir druge potencijalno važne varijable poput kvalitete sna . Iako
roditeljska medijacija nije pokazala značajne rezultate, preporučuje se detaljnija ana liza specifičnih
strategija roditeljske medijacije u promatranom odnosu korištenja digitalnih tehnologije i izvršnih
funkcija kod djece.
Abstract (english) The ubiquity and frequent use of digital technologies raises public concerns regarding the potential adverse effects of technology on user well-being. Literature points out the contradictions in findings and the difficulties in synthesizing knowledge due to the use of different measures in research, as well as the specific context and users. In addition to the total time spent using digital technologies, it is necessary to take into account the different circumstances of use in order to be able to define clearer guidelines for parents and professionals. Given the lack of research dedicated to middle childhood phase, this paper aims to clarify the relationship between digital technology use and executive functions based on data of 10-year-olds (4th grade) children (N=400) collected as part of the Child Well-being in the Context of Family (CHILD-WELL) project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. According to mothers' estimates, children typically use digital devices for approximately 3 hours per day during the weekends, which is slightly below expectations and close to existing recommendations based on research on the relationship between technology and physical activity. Boys more frequently play games or use applications for entertainment, while girls more frequently listen to music, create various media content and communicate via applications. Children generally do not have pronounced executive function difficulties as indicated by the mothers' estimates on the BRIEF2 questionnaire. This finding aligns with expectations, considering that the sample consisted of typically developing children. Frequent Internet browsing and communication via applications are associated with less executive function difficulties. Activities such as watching video content, listening to or creating music, creating photos or videos, and visiting social networks are not associated with executive function difficulties. Results of this research indicate that caution is needed only with boys who are generally more prone to executive function difficulties and spend more time playing video games or using applications for entertainment. It is important to note that the specific games and applications involved are not known, and this is most likely a bidirectional relationship. Future research should investigate this relationship in more detail, taking into account other potentially important variables such as sleep quality. Although parental mediation did not show significant results, a more detailed analysis of specific parental mediation strategies in the observed relationship between the use of digital technologies and children's executive functions is recommended.
izvršne funkcije
digitalne tehnologije
Keywords (english)
executive functions
digital technology
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:470043
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-20 14:16:29