Title Iskustva hrvatskih novinara s nasiljem na radnom mjestu
Title (english) Experiences of Croatian Journalists with Violence in the Workplace
Author Vinka Miličević
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Lana Ciboci Perša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Maleš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Novinari su se oduvijek borili protiv raznih vrsta ušutkavanja, cenzurom, pa tako i s nasiljem. S obzirom na to da je novinarski rad krucijalan u poticanju kritičkog razmišljanja i stvaranju informiranog građanstva, društvo treba sudjelovati u njihovoj borbi. U suvremenim demokratskim državama novinari se suočavaju se s raznim modernim oblicima nasilja koje je teško prepoznati, prijaviti i sankcionirati. Radno mjesto novinara više nisu samo teren i redakcija, jer su društvene mreže pomaknule barijere između privatnog i poslovnog u mnogim profesijama, pa tako i u novinarstvu. Važnost novinarskog rada za demokraciju je općepoznata zbog čega je fenomen nasilja prema novinarima posebno neobična društvena pojava. Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se iskustvima hrvatskih novinara s raznim vrstama nasilja čiji je cilj spriječiti ih u istinitom izvještavanju i djelovanju u korist javnoga interesa. Teorijski dio rada donosi uvod u temu i pregled stanja novinarstva u drugim demokratskim državama, a istraživački dio bavi se analizom kvalitativnih podataka o iskustvima hrvatskih novinara s nasiljem. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom dubinskog intervjua na uzorku od šest novinara razne dobi, godina iskustva i vrste medija na kojima rade. Istraživanje je pokazalo da nasilje utječe na rad novinara, te da je najučestaliji oblik nasilja online nasilje koje se pretežito sastoji od uvreda na osobnoj i profesionalnoj razini. Mobbing nije toliko učestala pojava, ali prikupljeni podaci svjedoče da može imati snažne posljedice na psihičko i fizičko zdravlje novinara. Iskustva s nasiljem na terenu pretežito su povezana s verbalnim prijetnjama. Prema mišljenju svih ispitanika, SLAPP tužbe su veliki problem hrvatskog novinarstva, čak i onih koji nemaju osobnog iskustva sa sudskim procesima.
Abstract (english) Journalists have always fought against various types of silencing, censorship, and violence. Considering that journalistic work is crucial in encouraging critical thinking and creating an informed citizenry, society should participate in their fight. In modern democratic countries, journalists face various modern forms of violence which are difficult to recognize, report and sanction. A journalist's workplace is no longer just the field and the newsroom, because social networks have pushed the boundaries between what is private and what is business in many professions, including journalism. The importance of journalistic work for democracy is well known, which is why the phenomenon of violence against journalists is a particularly unusual social phenomenon. This graduation thesis deals with the experiences of Croatian journalists with various types of violence, the goal of which is to prevent them from reporting truthfully and acting in favor of the public interest. The theoretical frame of the thesis provides an introduction to the topic and an overview of the state of journalism in other democratic countries, while the research part deals with the analysis of qualitative data on the experiences of Croatian journalists with violence. The data was collected using an in-depth interview method on a sample of six journalists of various ages, years of experience and types of media they work in. The research showed that violence affects the work of journalists and that the most frequent form of violence is online violence, which mostly consists of insults on a personal and professional basis. Mobbing is not a very frequent phenomenon, but the collected data testify that it can have strong consequences on the mental and physical health of journalists. Experiences with violence during field research are predominantly associated with verbal threats. According to all interviewees, SLAPP lawsuits are a big problem for Croatian journalism, even for those who have no personal experience with court processes.
dubinski intervju
kvalitativno istraživanje
Keywords (english)
in-depth interview
qualitative research
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:455129
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-09-22 09:58:48