Title Ciklus latinskih ljubavnih elegija Vice Petrovića
Title (english) Cycle of Latin love elegies of Vicentius Petrovich
Author Nera Lovrić
Mentor Tamara Tvrtković (mentor)
Committee member Šime Demo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Matasović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Tvrtković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Croatian Latinity) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract U središtu ovoga rada četiri su ljubavne elegije značajnog, ali nedovoljno poznatog hrvatskog
latinista Vice Petrovića koji je stvarao u osamnaestome stoljeću. Najprije je opisan život i
stvaralaštvo Vice Petrovića, zatim slijedi kratak pregled elegije kao žanra, rimskih i hrvatskih
ljubavnih elegičara te ljubavnog pjesništva na području Hrvatske u osamnaestome stoljeću. U
radu se iznosi sadržajna analiza elegija na temelju antičkog i kršćanskog utjecaja na elegije, u
kontekstu ljubavi i boli, smrti i zagrobnoga života te opisa supruge. Nakon sadržajne analize,
slijede leksička i stilska analiza. Petrović je u ove četiri elegije na latinskome jeziku iznio dvije
tragedije koje su snažno utjecale na njegov život. Godine 1738. umrlo mu je dvoje djece, a pet
godina kasnije 3. srpnja 1743. godine ostao je i bez voljene supruge. Elegije su prožete
kršćanskim motivom vječnoga saveza (lat. foedus aeternum), odnosno pjesnik iznosi riječi nade
i vjere da će se sa svojom voljenom ponovno sjediniti u posmrtnome životu, a posljednja elegija
sadrži i stihove posljednjeg pozdrava supruzi u kontekstu posvećivanja elegija. Petrovićevi
stihovi ispunjeni su kako antičkim, tako i kršćanskim motivima i izrazima. Neki od antičkih
motiva i izraza koji se javljaju su razni toponimi, izrazi za višnje bogove i mitološki likovi, npr.
Bactra, Stygius lacus, Superi, Siren i drugi, a od kršćanskih izraza i motiva javljaju se motivi i
izrazi poput Deus, pietas, Auctor rerum, numen, patrium caelum. Navedeni, ali i nenavedeni
motivi i izrazi detaljnije su razrađeni unutar rada.
Abstract (english) At the center of this work are four love elegies by the important, but insufficiently known
Croatian Latinist Vincentius Petrovius, who was writing in the eighteenth century. First, the life
and work of Vincentius Petrovius is described, followed by a brief overview of elegy as a genre,
Roman and Croatian love elegists and love poetry in Croatia in the eighteenth century. The
paper presents a substantive analysis of elegies based on the antique and Christian influence on
elegies in the context of love and pain, death and the afterlife, and the description of his late
wife. After content analysis, lexical and stylistic analysis follow. In these four elegies written
in Latin, Petrovius presented two tragedies that had a strong impact on the rest of his life. In
1738., two of his children died, and five years later, on July 3, 1743., he lost his beloved wife.
The elegies are imbued with the Christian motif of the eternal covenant (lat. foedus aeternum),
representing the poet's hope and faith that he will be reunited with his love in the afterlife, the
last elegy contains verses of the last farewell to his wife in the context of dedicating the elegy
to her. Petrovius verses are filled with both antique and Christian motifs and expressions. Some
of the antique motifs and expressions that appear are various toponyms, expressions for higher
gods and mythological characters, for example Bactra, Stygius lacus, Superi, Siren and others,
and from Christian expressions and motifs come expressions such as Deus, pietas, Auctor
rerum, numen, patrium caelum. The listed and unlisted motifs and expressions are elaborated
in more detail within the paper.
Vice Petrović
ljubavna elegija
foedus aeternum
ljubav i bol
smrt i zagrobni život
opis supruge
antički motivi i izrazi
kršćanski motivi i izrazi
Keywords (english)
Vincentius Petrovius
love elegy
love and pain
death and afterlife
description of wife
foedus aeternum
antique motifs and expressions
Christian motifs and expressions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:193232
Study programme Title: Department of Croatian Latinity; specializations in: Master of Education in Ltin, Roman Literature and Croatian Latinity Course: Master of Education in Ltin, Roman Literature and Croatian Latinity Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra edukacije latinskog jezika, rimske književnosti i hrvatskog latiniteta (magistar/ magistra edukacije latinskog jezika, rimske književnosti i hrvatskog latiniteta)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-10-03 12:33:09