Title Uloga streaming platforme Spotify u transformaciji glazbene industrije
Title (english) The role of the streaming platform Spotify in the transformation of the music industry
Author Leonarda Buršić
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Lana Ciboci Perša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Maleš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje ulogu streaming platforme Spotify u transformaciji glazbene industrije, fokusirajući se na korisničke navike, preferencije i iskustva. Kroz analizu učestalosti korištenja platforme, istražuje se koliko je Spotify integriran u svakodnevni život korisnika, te koje funkcije smatraju najkorisnijima. Također, proučava se zadovoljstvo korisnika raznolikošću glazbenog kataloga i iskustva s Premium uslugom, uključujući razloge za prijavu i odjavu. Istraživanje se bavi i platformama koje korisnici najčešće koriste uz Spotify za otkrivanje nove glazbe, kao i razlozima zbog kojih korisnici preferiraju Spotify u odnosu na druge streaming servise. Dodatno, analizira se način otkrivanja novih glazbenih sadržaja na Spotifyju te preferencije korisnika u pogledu formata audio sadržaja. Ovaj rad također istražuje kako su promjene u Spotify platformi utjecale na glazbenu industriju i kako je platforma evoluirala kako bi zadovoljila potrebe svojih korisnika. Cilj je pružiti dublji uvid u to kako digitalne platforme poput Spotifyja oblikuju potrošačke navike i glazbenu industriju u cjelini, uzimajući u obzir specifičnosti digitalnog doba i promjene u načinu na koji korisnici konzumiraju glazbu. Također, ovaj rad istražuje različite teorijske aspekte digitalnih marketinških strategija s fokusom na primjere na glazbenoj platformi Spotify. Kroz analizu povijesti i evolucije Spotify platforme, istražit će se njezina ključna uloga u transformaciji glazbene industrije, te kako je ta transformacija oblikovala teorijske koncepte digitalnog marketinga. Naglasak je na analizi specifičnih marketinških strategija koje je Spotify implementirao kako bi se izdvojio u konkurentnom okruženju glazbene streaming industrije, ističući prilagodljivost i evoluciju marketinškog pristupa kao odgovor na promjenjive potrebe korisnika i dinamiku tržišta. Kroz primjere inovacija, istraživanje će ilustrirati kako je Spotify postao sinonim za uspješnu primjenu digitalnih marketinških strategija u glazbenoj industriji.
Ovaj rad ima za cilj pružiti cjelovito razumijevanje uloge digitalnog marketinga u kontekstu glazbene industrije, koristeći konkretne primjere s jedne od vodećih glazbenih streaming platformi današnjice - Spotifyja.
Abstract (english) This thesis explores the role of the streaming platform Spotify in transforming the music industry, focusing on user habits, preferences, and experiences. Through an analysis of platform usage frequency, it investigates how integrated Spotify is into users' daily lives and which features they find most valuable. It also examines user satisfaction with the diversity of the music catalog and experiences with the Premium service, including reasons for subscribing and unsubscribing. The study explores other platforms users commonly use alongside Spotify for discovering new music, as well as reasons why users prefer Spotify over other streaming services. Additionally, it analyzes how users discover new music on Spotify and their preferences regarding audio content formats. The thesis also investigates how changes in the Spotify platform have influenced the music industry and how the platform has evolved to meet the needs of its users. The goal is to provide deeper insights into how digital platforms like Spotify shape consumer habits and the music industry as a whole, considering the specifics of the digital age and changes in how users consume music. Furthermore, the thesis explores various theoretical aspects of digital marketing strategies, focusing on examples from the Spotify music platform. Through an analysis of Spotify's history and platform evolution, it will explore its key role in transforming the music industry and how this transformation has shaped theoretical concepts in digital marketing. Emphasis is placed on analyzing specific marketing strategies that Spotify has implemented to stand out in the competitive streaming music industry environment, highlighting adaptability and the evolution of marketing approaches in response to changing user needs and market dynamics. Using concrete examples of innovations, the research will illustrate how Spotify has become synonymous with successful implementation of digital marketing strategies in the music industry. The thesis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of digital marketing in the context of the music industry, utilizing specific examples from one of today's leading music streaming platforms - Spotify.
digitalni marketing
glazbena industrija
streaming platforme
Keywords (english)
digital marketing
music industry
streaming platforms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:555396
Study programme Title: Communication Studies (Single Major, Science Stream) Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra komunikologije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-18 11:54:57