Abstract | Piramide u Gizi građene su tijekom IV. dinastije (o. 2613. – o. 2494. g. pr. Kr.). Njihovi najznačajniji graditelji bili su Khufu, Khafra i Menkaura. Prvi vladar IV. dinastije, Snofru, izgradio je prvu pravu piramidu. Piramidalni kompleks u Gizi izgrađen je između 2585. – 2510. g. pr. Kr. u blizini Kaira. Izgradnja je trajala dugo, i do 20 godina, a gradili su ih deseci tisuća ljudi. Od građevnih materijala su korišteni uglavnom nepečena blatna opeka i kamen. Khufova piramida, danas poznata i kao Velika Keopsova piramida, je najveća staroegipatska piramida i jedno je od sedam svjetskih čuda antičkog svijeta. Sve do 19. stoljeća bila je najveća građevina na svijetu. U njezinoj blizini pronađen je veličanstveni Khufuov solarni brod. Druga najveća piramida je Khafrina, koja je također okružena zagrobnim kompleksom i dolinskim hramom. Njegov hram je najbolje uščuvani dolinski hram u Gizi. Znamenita Velika Sfinga je sastavni dio Khafrinog pogrebnog kompleksa te prikazuje lava sa ljudskom glavom u sjedećem položaju. Kroz stoljeća je često bila oštećivana, obnavljana i dograđivana. Menkaurina piramida je najmanja od tri glavne piramide i nije nikad bila završena. Postoje razne pretpostavke o tome zašto je manja od ostalih. Uz tri velike piramide nalaze se manje piramide njihovih kraljica te grobnica kraljice Hetefereš, Khufuove majke. Njezina grobnica je važna jer je jedina djelomično netaknuta grobnica iz starog vijeka. Piramide u Gizi kroz prošlost su privlačile razne putopisce, povjesničare i geografe. John Graves je 1639. nacrtao njihove prve nacrte i vršio prva mjerenja. Ostali važni istraživači bili su Giovanni Batista Belzoni, François Auguste Mariette, William Matthew Flinders Petrie, George Andrew Reisner, Mark Lehner i Zahi Hawass, ali i mnogi drugi. Piramide u Gizi su od antike privlačile putnike, ali se pravi turizam počeo razvijati od sredine 19 stoljeća. Danas Gizu i njene spomenike posjećuju mnogobrojni turisti Kaira i njegove okolice. |
Abstract (english) | The pyramids in Giza were built during the IV dynasty (d. 2613 - d. 2494 BC). Their most important builders were Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure. The first ruler of IV dynasty, Snofru, built the first real pyramid. The pyramid complex in Giza was built between 2585 and 2510 BC near Cairo. The construction took a long time, up to 20 years, and tens of thousands of people built them. The building materials used were mostly unfired mud brick and stone. The Pyramid of Khufu, today also known as the Great Pyramid of Cheops, is the largest ancient Egyptian pyramid and is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Until the 19th century, it was the largest building in the world. Khufu's magnificent solar ship was found nearby. The second largest pyramid is Khafre Pyramid, which is also surrounded by a mortuary complex and a valley temple. His temple is the best-preserved valley temple in Giza. The famous Great Sphinx is an integral part of Khafre's funerary complex and depicts a lion with a human head in a sitting position. Over the centuries, it was often damaged, restored and expanded. Menkaure's pyramid is the smallest of the three main pyramids and was never completed. There are various assumptions about why it is smaller than the others. In addition to the three large pyramids, there are smaller pyramids of their queens and the tomb of Queen Hetepheresh, Khufu's mother. Her tomb is important because it is the only partially intact tomb from ancient times. The pyramids of Giza have attracted various travel writers, historians and geographers throughout the past. In 1639, John Graves drew their first plans and made first measurements. Other important explorers were Giovanni Batista Belzoni, François Auguste Mariette, William Matthew Flinders Petrie, George Andrew Reisner, Mark Lehner, Zahi Hawass, and many others. The pyramids of Giza have attracted travellers since antiquity, but real tourism began to develop from the middle of the 19th century. Today, Giza and its monuments are visited by many tourists of Cairo and its surroundings. |