Abstract | „Pomozi mi da to učinim sam“, uzrečica je M. Montessori, osnivačice Montessori pedagogije, kojom se na jedinstven način uči djecu kako sama pristupiti izazovu i razviti se u socijalno kompetentnu osobu. Rad se bavi analizom Montessori pedagogije u kontekstu socijalizacije djece, istražujući ključne aspekte i elemente koji pridonose razvoju socijalne kompetencije. Procesom socijalizacije, dijete postaje socijalno kompetentno, a to se očituje u njezinim sastavnicama: regulaciji emocija, socijalnim znanjima, socijalnim umijećima te socijalnim dispozicijama. Montessori program sadrži temeljne elemente koji stvaraju pozitivan utjecaj na socijalizaciju djece, poput pripremljene okoline, specifičnih metoda i aktivnosti te individualnog pristupa odgajateljica. Samim time, izbjegavaju se najčešći problemi socijalizacije s kojima se djeca susreću tijekom odrastanja: agresivnost, stidljivost, niska razina interakcije te usamljenost. Kroz cijeli rad, naglašava učinkovitost Montessori metoda, koje svojim odgojno-obrazovnom pristupom, značajno doprinose razvoju socijalno kompetentnih i emocionalno zrelih pojedinaca, pripremajući ih za uspješno funkcioniranje u društvu. |
Abstract (english) | "Help me to do it myself", is the saying of M. Montessori, the founder of Montessori pedagogy,
which teaches children in a unique way how to approach the challenge on their own and develop
into a socially competent person. The paper deals with the analysis of Montessori pedagogy in
the context of children's socialization, exploring key aspects and elements that contribute to the
development of social competence. Through the process of socialization, the child becomes
socially competent, and this is reflected in its components: regulation of emotions, social
knowledge, social skills and social dispositions. The Montessori program contains fundamental
elements that create a positive impact on children's socialization, such as a prepared
environment, specific methods and activities, and the individual approach of educators. By
doing so, the most common socialization problems that children face during growing up are
avoided: aggressiveness, shyness, low level of interaction and loneliness. Throughout the work,
it is emphasized the effectiveness of Montessori methods, which, with their educational
approach, significantly contribute to the development of socially competent and emotionally
mature individuals, preparing them for successful functioning in society. |