Title Stari grad Ozalj
Title (english) Castle of Ozalj
Author Martina Guštin
Mentor Diana Vukičević-Samaržija (mentor)
Committee member Marinko Vuković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marinko Šišak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Diana Vukičević-Samaržija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Croatology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Abstract Grad Ozalj nalazi se nedaleko grada Karlovca na sjeverozapadu Hrvatske, a smješten je uz rijeku Kupu. Stari grad Ozalj svoje mjesto zauzima samo jedan kilometar od današnjeg centra grada Ozlja, iako bi se ova tvrđava mogla smatrati središtem grada jer se grad Ozalj od davnina razvijao oko nje. Stari grad Ozalj najpoznatiji je ponajprije kao zrinsko-frankopanska utvrda, ali njegova povijest seže mnogo dublje u prošlost. Smješten je na vapnenačkoj stijeni ponad rijeke Kupe. Grad je nadograđivan u različitim epohama od kojih je svaka dala svoje obilježje, stoga je on arhitektonski zaista raznolik. Unutar zidina, ali i u njihovoj okolici, pronađeno je mnoštvo arheoloških ostataka koji potječu iz prapovijesti, antičkog Rima i srednjeg vijeka, a koji upućuju na zaključak kako je neki oblik grada postojao mnogo prije 1244. godine od kada datira prvi pisani spomenik o Starom gradu Ozlju. Najmoćnije feudalne porodice smjenjuju se kao vlasnici, a riječ je o obiteljima Babonić, Frankopan i Zrinski koji su bili vlasnicima sve do 1671. godine. Upravo u 17. stoljeću grad doživljava svoje najsjajnije povijesno razdoblje, postavši jednim od najvažnijih hrvatskih gradova. Smaknućem bana Petra Zrinskog i grofa Frana Krste Frankopana u Bečkom Novom Mjestu 1671. godine započinje mračno razdoblje u kojem grad biva opustošen i opljačkan. U 18. stoljeću grad je već bio u ruševnom stanju i tada ga temeljito preuređuje Rajmund Perlas. U razdoblju od 1766. do 1872. godine grad je bio u posjedu obitelji Batthyány, a do 1928. godine u posjedu obitelji Thurn i Taxis, od kojih je posljednji vlasnik darovnicom predao Stari grad Ozalj Družbi „Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja“. Stari grad je 1946. godine nizom vandalskih zahvata ponovno opustošen. U razdoblju od 1946. do 2003. godine gradska krila, Žitnica i ulazna kula prolaze različite faze održavanja, no tijekom zadnjih nekoliko desetljeća Stari grad se obnavlja. Danas Stari grad Ozalj prema svojoj vrijednosti pripada prvoj spomeničkoj kategoriji.
Abstract (english) Ozalj is located near the city of Karlovac in the northwest of Croatia, and it is situated by the Kupa river. The Old town of Ozalj is built only one kilometer from the center od Ozalj, although this castle could be considered the city center because the town has developed around it. The Old town of Ozalj is primarily known as Zrinski and Frankopan castle, but its history is way longer. It is located on a limestone cliff above the Kupa river. The castle was additionally constructed in different periods, each given its characteristic, so it is really architecturally diversified. Within the walls, but also in the surrounding area, was found a multitude of archaeological remains which date back to prehistoric times, ancient Roman and medieval era leading to the conclusion that some form of the town existed long before 1244 when dates first written monument of the Old town of Ozalj. Most powerful feudal families take turns as owners - Babonić, Frankopan and Zrinski who were owners until 1671. It was in the 17th century when Ozalj experienced its brightest period of history, becoming one of the most important cities in Croatia. With the execution of Petar Zrinski and Fran Krsto Frankopan in Wiener Neustadt in 1671. begins the dark period in which the town was devastated and robbed. In the 18th century the castle was already in ruins, and then thoroughly rearranged by Rajmund Perlas. In the period from 1766 until 1872 the castle was owned by the family of Batthyány, and then until 1928 by the family of Thurn and Taxis, who grant handed over the town to the Society of "Brothers of the Croatian Dragon". In 1946 the Old town was again devastated by series of vandal intervention. In the period from 1946 to 2003 the city wings, Granary and the entrance tower have passed through various stages of maintenance, but during the last few decades the Castle of Ozalj is being renovated. The Old town of Ozalj to its value belongs to the first monument category.
Stari grad Ozalj
Thurn i Taxis
Družba „Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja“
Keywords (english)
the Old town of Ozalj
Thurn and Taxis
the Society of "Brothers of the Croatian Dragon"
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:545732
Study programme Title: Department of Croatology; specializations in: scientific, teaching Course: scientific Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kroatologije (magistar/magistra kroatologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-07-12 09:32:11