Title Sindrom sagorijevanja kod zagrebačkih studenata - validacija upitnika Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey (MBI - SS)
Title (english) burnout syndrome among students of Zagreb University - validation of Maslach burnout inventory- student survey (MBI-SS)
Author Aleksandar Kolundžić
Mentor Adrijana Bjelajac (mentor)
Committee member Jasminka Despot Lučanin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Adrijana Bjelajac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Toni Babarović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Psychology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2013-09-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey (MBI-SS; Schaufeli, Martinez, Marquez Pinto, Salanova i Bakker, 2002) predstavlja novitet u istraživanju sindroma sagorijevanja kod studenata. Razvijen je 2002. godine te predstavlja jedan od najčešće korištenih instrumenata za procjenu sagorijevanja kod studenata. Sindrom sagorijevanja prvenstveno je istraživan kod zaposlenika, pogotovo onih čija zanimanja uključuju nekakav oblik rada s ljudima, no razvojem znanstvenih spoznaja počinje i detljanije
... More istraživanje ovog sindroma kod studenata. Iako studenti nisu formalno zaposleni, njihova uključenost u pohađanje predavanja, polaganje ispita i izvršavanje različitih specifičnih zadataka može se smatrati oblikom rada. Sagorijevanje kod studenata odnosi se na osjećaj iscrpljenosti zbog zahtjeva studija, ciničnog stava prema studiju te percepcije vlastite nekompetentnosti kao studenta. MBI-SS upitnik (Schaufeli i sur., 2002) sastoji se od 16 čestica koje formiraju tri zasebna faktora: Iscrpljenost, Cinizam i Akademska efikasnost. U sklopu ovog istraživanja upitnik je preveden na hrvatski jezik i primijenjen u dva zasebna dijela istraživanja. Prvi dio istraživanja proveden je na uzorku 1435 studenata s 15 fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu te su ispitane neke psihometrijske karakteristike upitnika. Pouzdanost upitnika je vrlo dobra te iznosi α = 0,88 za Iscrpljenost, α = 0,80 za Cinizam te α = 0,78 za Akademsku efikasnost. Faktorska analiza pokazala je postojanje tri zasebna faktora koji objašnjavaju 60,58% varijabiliteta manifestnih varijabli, što je u skladu s očekivanjima. Čestice pod brojem 11 i 13 nisu pokazale zasićenje s faktorima prema teorijskim očekivanjima te u tom pogledu postoje neka odstupanja. Studenti zagrebačkog Sveučilišta postižu rezultate koji ulaze u rang umjerenog sagorijevanja na sve tri skale upitnika, pri čemu aritmetičke sredine iznose M=2,94 (Sd=1,29) za skalu Iscrpljenosti, M=2,20 (Sd=1,34) za skalu Cinizma te M=3,40 (Sd=1,01) za skalu Akademske efikasnosti. U drugom dijelu istraživanja upitnik je primjenjen kod 202 jednopredmetna studenta Hrvatskih studija Sveučilišta u Zagrebu koji također postižu rezultate koji ulaze u rang umjerenog sagorijevanja na sve tri skale upitnika, pri čemu njihove aritmetičke sredine iznose M=2,69 (Sd=1,18) za skalu Iscrpljenosti, M=1,97 (Sd=1,21) za skalu Cinizma, te M=3,66 (Sd=0,87) za skalu Akademske efikasnosti. Iako postoje neka odstupanja u samim nalazima, smatramo da je hrvatski prijevod MBI-SS upitnika vrijedan i koristan alat za procjenu sagorijevanja kod studenata te predlažemo daljnja istraživanja koja će opravdati njegovu uporabu Less
Abstract (english) Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey (MBI-SS; Schaufeli, Martinez, Marquez Pinto, Salanova i Bakker, 2002) is a novelty in the research of burnout syndrome in students. It was developed in 2002 and represents one of the most frequently used instruments to evaluate burnout in students. The burnout syndrome has primarily been studied in employees, especially with those occupations that involve some form of contact with people, but scientific development sparked a more detailed research
... More of this syndrome in students. Although students are not formally employed, their involvement in taking classes, sitting for exams and performing various specific tasks may be interpreted as a form of work. Burnout in students pertains mostly to the feeling of exhaustion due to the demands of the study programme, a cynical attitude towards the study and the perception of one’s own incompetence as a student. MBI-SS questionnaire (Schaufeli et al., 2002) comprises 16 items that form three separate factors: Exhaustion, Cynicism and Academic Efficiency. Within this research, the questionnaire was translated into Croatian and applied in two separate parts of the research. The first part of the research was carried out on a sample of 1435 students from 15 faculties and schools of the University of Zagreb, and some psychometric characteristics of the questionnaire were examined. The reliability of the questionnaire was very good and equaling α = 0.88 for Exhaustion, α = 0.80 for Cynicism and α = 0.78 for Academic Efficiency. Factor analysis showed the existence of three separate factors which accounted for the 60.58% variability of manifest variables and this was in line with what was expected. However, items 11 and 13 showed no saturation with factors according to theoretical expectations and there were some deviations in that aspect. Students of the University of Zagreb achieved results that fell within the moderate burnout range in all three scales of the survey, whereby the arithmetic means were M=2.94 (Sd=1.29) on the Exhaustion scale, M=2.20 (Sd=1.34) on the Cynicism scale and M=3.40 (Sd=1.01) on the Academic Efficiency scale. In the second part of the research the questionnaire was applied on 202 students of the Centre for Croatian Studies who only have one major. They also achieved results that fell within the moderate burnout range on all three scales of the questionnaire, whereby their arithmetic means were M=2.69 (Sd=1.18) on the Exhaustion scale, M=1.97 (Sd=1.21) on the Cynicism scale and M=3.66 (Sd=0.87) on the Academic Efficiency scale. Although there are some deviations in the results themselves, we feel that the Croatian translation of the MBI-SS is a valuable and useful tool to evaluate burnout in students and we suggest further research in to justify its use. Less
sindrom sagorijevanja
Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey (MBISS)
Keywords (english)
burnout syndrome
Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey (MBI-SS)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:185034
Study programme Title: Department of Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-05-02 12:54:23