Abstract (croatian) | U hrvatskoj se gramatici razlikuju tri tvorbena načina: izvođenje, slaganje i srašćivanje. Rubno
se navodi još nekoliko tvorbenih načina. U ovom se radu polazi od glavnoga pitanja:
Kako nastaje riječ? Stoga će se istražiti svi mogući putovi nastanka riječi. Iz toga je jasno da
je dosadašnji pojam tvorba riječi u ovom pristupu preuzak i da će se nastanku riječi pristupiti
mnogo šire. Da ne bude terminološke zabune, jezikoslovnu ćemo disciplinu koja se
bavi nastankom riječi nazivati rječotvorje. |
Abstract (english) | In Croatian grammar, as well as in grammars of other languages, mainly two major types of
word–formation models are distinguished: derivation and compounding, and other word–formation
models are mentioned only marginally. In that way the formation of numerous words remains
unexplained. This paper discusses the question: How a word is formed? Since words can be formed
through grammatical processes (e. g. grad–ski, pri–gradski, donj–o–grad–ski), and through semantic
processes (e. g. lexicalization, /de/onymization, homonymization etc.), our point of departure
is that word–formation should describe all possible ways of word–formation from affixation, language
borrowing, loan translations, shortening, to depolysemization and lexicalization. Consequently,
word–formation is regarded in this paper as an independent linguistic discipline and its range
is extended in reference to earlier approaches within the grammars of the Croatian language.
By applying different criteria of classification, differentiation of several more word–formation
types and subtypes has become possible. Through critical reviewing of word–formation studies in
Croatian, suggestions on possible solutions to some contentious issues have been suggested. |