Title (croatian) Migracije i starenje otočnog stanovništva – pet iških priča
Title (english) Migration and Ageing of the Island Population – Five Stories from Iž
Title (french) Migrations et vieillissement de la population insulaire: cinq récits de l’île d’Iž
Author Sanja Klempić
Author Sonja Podgorelec
Author's institution Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography Social Geography
Abstract (croatian) Rad se bavi analizom kretanja broja stanovnika u razdoblju od 1857. do 2001. godine, s težištem na ulozi migracija u starenju stanovništva otoka Iža. Procesi koji su presudno utjecali na demografsku sliku otoka u dvadesetom stoljeću bili su veliki ratni gubici u dvama svjetskim ratovima te snažna i kontinuirana emigracija. Depopulacija je na Ižu započela već 1921. i traje do danas. Prema rezultatima posljednjeg popisa, na otoku živi svega 557 stanovnika, što je dvostruko manje nego u doba prvog
... More popisa. Dominantni demoreprodukcijski procesi su depopulacija i starenje. Svi pokazatelji dobne strukture govore o izrazito dubokoj starosti stanovništva. Istodobno su snažni i povratnički tokovi migranata koji su mirovine ostvarili radeći izvan otoka, pa se time povećava udio staroga u ukupnom stanovništvu. Uz analizu demografskih pokazatelja, cilj rada bio je odrediti prisutne modele povratničke migracije starog stanovništva na primjeru nekoliko tipičnih migracijskih iskustava. Utjecaj migracija na životne cikluse starijeg iškog stanovništva autorice su pokušale predočiti s pomoću pet tipičnih otočnih priča prikupljenih intervjuiranjem stanovništva starog 60 i više godina tijekom istraživanja provedenog u listopadu 2001. Ako se nastavi tendencija odlaska mladog stanovništva i ne dođe do značajnijih promjena u životnim perspektivama za to stanovništvo (otvaranje radnih mjesta, oživljavanje gospodarskih grana koje imaju budućnost na otoku i sl.) i ponašanju mlađih otočana (onih koji i danas žive na otoku, ali i iseljenika) koji bi pratili takve nove programe, Iž će ostati u skupini ugroženih otoka kojima prijeti daljnje starenje populacije i izumiranje. Less
Abstract (english) The paper analyses population development on the island of Iž during the period from 1857 to 2001, with special focus on the role that migration has on the ageing of the population. The processes that effected the demographic picture of the island during the twentieth century were high war loses in two world wars and continuous migration. Depopulation on Iž began in 1921 and has persisted until today. According to the last census, 557 persons live on the island, which is half the number that
... More was registered in the first census. The dominant demo-reproduction processes are depopulation and ageing. All indicators in regard to the age structure show a very old population. At the same time, there is a strong return migration flow of persons that have received pensions after having worked elsewhere, which further increases the percentage of elderly in the overall population. Apart from analysis of the demographic data, the aim of the paper was also to determine the existing models of return migration, based on the example of several typical migration experiences. The authors attempted to illustrate the effect of migration on the life cycle of the Iž’s older population through five typical island stories, collected in October 2001 while interviewing persons 60 or more years of age. If a major change does not occur in regard to the present trend of emigration of the younger population (creation of jobs, revival of economic activities that have a future on the island etc.) and in the behaviour of younger islanders (both those living at present on the island and those living elsewhere) who would accept such new programmes, Iž will remain in the group of islands that is threatened by further ageing and depopulation. Less
Abstract (french) Les auteurs analysent l’évolution du nombre d’habitants de l’île d’Iž de 1857 à 2001, en se penchant particulièrement sur le rôle des migrations dans le vieillissement de cette population. Les processus ayant eu une influence décisive sur la structure démographique de l’île au cours du 20ème siècle ont été les importantes pertes causées par les deux guerres mondiales et l’émigration intense et constante. La dépopulation d’Iž débute dès 1921 et se prolonge aujourd’hui. D’après les résultats
... More du dernier recensement, l’île compte 557 habitants, soit deux fois moins que lors du premier recensement. Les processus de reproduction démographique dominants sont la dépopulation et le vieillissement de la population. Tous les indicateurs de la structure des âges font état d’une très vieille population. Parallèlement, on observe de nombreux retours sur l’île de retraités, ce qui augmente la proportion d’habitants vieillissants dans la population. Outre l’analyse des indicateurs démographiques, cet article essaye de définir les modèles de migration de la population vieillissante en présence, d’après l’exemple de quelques expériences typiques de migration. L’influence des migrations sur les cycles de l’existence de la population vieillissante d’Iž est illustrée par cinq récits insulaires typiques, recueillis auprès de la population âgée de 60 ans et plus lors de l’étude menée en octobre 2001 sur l’île. Si la tendance à l’émigration des jeunes se poursuit et si l’île ne connaît pas de changement sensible dans les perspectives de vie de cette population (création d’emplois, redémarrage des branches économiques jouissant de perspectives de réussite sur l’île, etc.) et dans le comportement des jeunes insulaires (vivant actuellement sur l’île où l’ayant quittée) susceptibles de suivre de tels programmes, Iž continuera de figurer parmi les îles menacées de voir leur population vieillir et s’éteindre. Less
Keywords (croatian)
povratnička migracija
umirovljenička migracija
Keywords (english)
return migration
pension migration
Keywords (french)
migration de retraités
Language croatian
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review - international
Publication version Published version
Journal title Migracijske i etničke teme
Numbering vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 319-338
p-ISSN 1333-2546
e-ISSN 1848-9184
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:303:031816
Publication 2002
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/107513
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-06 11:50:12