Title (croatian) Starenje i neformalna skrb o starim osobama u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Ageing and Non-Formal Care for Elderly Persons in Croatia
Author Sonja Podgorelec
Author Sanja Klempić
Author's institution Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography Social Geography
Abstract (croatian) Starenje i depopulacija temeljni su demografski procesi razvoja stanovništva Hrvatske. U ukupnome stanovništvu 2001. godine dobna skupina 65 i stariji činila je 15,7% ukupnoga stanovništva. Dobna struktura stanovništva jedna je od bitnih odrednica kvalitete života pojedinaca, posebice unutar obitelji. Cilj ovoga rada jest analizom demografskih pokazatelja (biološki sastav, koeficijent feminiteta, indeks starenja, koeficijent starosti, prosječna starost, koeficijenti dobne ovisnosti, bračno
... More stanje) i kratkim pregledom migracijske povijesti druge polovine 20. stoljeća procijeniti kvalitetu neformalne skrbi o starima u odnosu na potencijalne pružatelje skrbi. Starenjem ukupnoga stanovništva Hrvatske, sve manjim brojem djece u obitelji i odvojenim stanovanjem odrasle djece i njihovih ostarjelih roditelja smanjuje se krug glavnih pružatelja skrbi starijima. Smanjenjem broja članova i sve češćim oblicima nepotpunih obitelji te zaposlenošću žena, koje su tradicionalno najvažniji pružatelji svih oblika neformalne skrbi, javlja se problem nedostatka skrbi o starijim članovima unutar obitelji. Usprkos promjenama u načinu života, obitelj je i dalje osnovni izvor emocionalne, informativne i praktične potpore starim ljudima. Prijateljska pomoć i potpora starima podjednaka je u gradu i na selu, dok je dobrosusjedska pomoć nešto veća u izvangradskim područjima (primjerice u Istri i na otocima). Ipak, istraživanja potvrđuju da se socijalna mreža potpore i pomoći među seoskim stanovništvom promijenila od devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća. Prijateljska i dobrosusjedska potpora mogu u određenoj mjeri nadomjestiti nedostatak skrbi djece, ali slabija mreža domova za starije i nemoćne u izvangradskim prostorima, a time i slabije organizirana izvaninstitucionalna pomoć, zahtijevaju bolju organizaciju formalne skrbi o starim ljudima, i to posebice u slabije naseljenim i manje razvijenim područjima. Less
Abstract (english) Ageing and depopulation are the fundamental demographic processes in the development of the population of Croatia. In the total population in 2001 the age group encompassing persons 65 years of age and older made up 15.7% of the total population. The age structure of the population is one of the essential determinants of the quality of lives of individuals, especially within the family. Based on an analysis of demographic indicators (the population structure, the ratio of females, the
... More ageing index, the age coefficient, average age, age-dependency ratios, marital status), and a brief review of migration history in the second half of the 20th century, the goal of this paper is to evaluate the quality of non-formal care of the elderly in relation to potential care providers. Due to ageing in the total population of Croatia, due to a reduction in the number of children per family and separate residences of adult children and their elderly parents, the circle of main care providers for the elderly has diminished. With the decrease in the number of family members, increasingly frequent forms of single-parent families and the employment of women, who were traditionally the most important providers of all forms of non-formal care, insufficient care for the elderly within families has become a problem. Despite changes in the way of life, the family is still the basic source of emotional, informational and instrumental support for elderly people. The help and support that the elderly receive from friends is roughly equal in the city and in villages, although neighbourly help is somewhat greater in non-urban areas (for example in Istria and on the islands). However, researches confirm that the social network of support and help among the rural population has changed since the nineties of the last century. To a certain extent the support of friends and neighbours may substitute the lack of care by children, but a weaker network of homes for the elderly and the infirm in non-urban areas, and thereby also poorer organization of non-institution help, calls for the better organisation of formal care for elderly persons, especially in less populated and less developed areas. Less
Keywords (croatian)
stari ljudi
međugeneracijska potpora
neformalna skrb
Keywords (english)
elderly people
intergenerational support
non-formal care
Language croatian
Publication type Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review - international
Publication version Published version
Journal title Migracijske i etničke teme
Numbering vol. 23, no. 1-2, pp. 111-134
p-ISSN 1333-2546
e-ISSN 1848-9184
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:303:350593
Publication 2007
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/14476
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-11 10:06:17