Abstract (croatian) | Autori u ovom radu analiziraju život otočana na trima zadarskim otocima, Ižu, Ugljanu i Dugom otoku. Život na tim otocima ima uglavnom obilježja egzistencije ljudi na periferijskim prostorima. Posebno se to odnosi na Iž i Dugi otok, dok je život otočana na Ugljanu dinamićniji i manje opterećen periferijskim sindromom. Teškoće otočnog življenja, problem veza s kopnom, izoliranost, starenje otočne populacije i drugi nepovoljni čimbenici utječu na depopulaciju otoka i odlazak mladog stanovništva u izvanotočne destinacije. U mnogim otočnim sredinama odlazak ima razmjere pravog egzodusa, a posljedice tih procesa naposljetku vode k izumiranju otočnoga mikrosocijalnog sustava. Empirijsko istraživanje na tri zadarska otoka provedeno je u listopadu 2001. godine. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni mladi otočani učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola, te stariji otočani u dobi od 60 i više godina. Ukupno je na sva tri otoka anketirano 107 učenika i 151 ispitanik starije dobi. Podaci su
obrađeni programom za osobna računala i tamo gdje je to bilo statistički opravdano, statistička značajnost razlika provjerena je x2-testom. U analizi rezultata preglednog istraživanja nezavisne su varijable bile: otok, dob, bračni status, samačko ili višečlano kućanstvo, obrazovanje, zanimanje i djeca na otoku ili u emigraciji. Nalazi istraživanja mladih otočana pokazuju da oni prepoznaju glavne prednosti otočnog života uglavnom kao ekološke, što može u narednom razdoblju biti i generator razvoja na novim temeljima. Naglasak bi pritom mogao biti na postmodernim vrijednostima, kao što je očuvana priroda, mir, tišina, kvaliteta življenja i slično. Najvećim se nedostatkom doživljava upravo odlazak mladih s otoka, što stvara depresivno i mučno sociopsihičko ozračje. Najteži su problemi starijih otočana osamljenost, pokidanost mreža primarnih društvenih odnosa (prije svih obiteljskih) i strah od socijalne izolacije. Stoga se nameće pitanje kako revitalizirati otočne lokalne zajednice i zaustaviti depopulaciju otoka. Uloga države je u tom mogućem/poželjnom procesu nezaobilazna i svakako najznačajnija. Same otočne lokalne zajednice, pa ni županije kojima pripadaju, nemaju dovoljno resursa za obnovu i dinamiziranje otočnog života. |
Abstract (english) | In this article the authors analyse the life of islanders on three islands of Zadar: Iz, Ugljan and Dugi otok. The life on these islands has mainly the characteristics of people's existence in periphery areas. This refers specially to Iz and Dugi otok, while the life of islanders on Ugljan is more dynamic and less burdened by periphery syndrome. Difflculties of living on the island, problem of connections with the land, isolation, aging of island population and other unfavourable factors have influence on island depopulation and leaving of young people to non-island destinations. In many island environments leaving of slanders has got proportions of a real island exodus and the consequences of these processes in the long run lead toward the extinction of the island micro social system. The empirical study on three islands of Zadar was carried out in October' 2001. It comprised young islanders, pupils of elementary and secondary schools as well as older islanders, at the age of 60 and more. All together, 107 pupils and 151 respondents of older age were surveyed on three islands. The data were processed on a personal computer and statistical significance of differences was tested by X2-test. In the analysis of questionnaire survey the following independent variables were used: island, age, marital status, single or multi-member household, education, occupation and children on the island or in emigration. The obtained research results in regard to young islanders show that young people recognize main advantages of island life mostly as ecological ones. This can be a generator of island development on new foundations in the next period. Thereby the accent could be put on post-modern values such as preserved nature, peace, silence, quality of life and the like. Leaving of young population is revealed as
the main disadvantage that generates depressive and hard socio-psychological atmosphere in island environments. The most difficult problems of older islanders are loneliness, tom (broken) networks of primary social relations (in the first place family ones) and fear of social isolation. Therefore the question arises: how to revitalise island local communities and stop island depopulation. The role of the state in this possible/desirable process is unavoidable and by all means the most significant. Island local communities alone, as well as the counties to which they belong, do not have sufficient resources to revive island life and make it more dynamic. |