Author Vanja Slavuj
Mentor Božidar Kovačić (mentor)
Committee member Mile Pavlić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Hoić-Božić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Vodopija Krstanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2017-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Information Systems and Information Science
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 004 - Computer science and technology. Computing. Data processing
Abstract Sustavi za e-učenje koji imaju tutorsku ulogu sve su češće zastupljeni među obrazovnim
sustavima svih domena. Takvi su sustavi dizajnirani sa ciljem preuzimanja uloge pravoga učitelja koji
vodi brigu o svim aspektima procesa poučavanja korisnika, autonomno primjenjujući iste ili vrlo slične
metode eksperta određenog područja. U takvim je kontekstima učenja nužno osigurati personalizirani
pristup zbog neizbježnih razlika u značajkama korisnika. Naime, korisnici sustava čine više ili manje
heterogenu skupinu u kojoj se pojedinci razlikuju u karakteristikama poput razine znanja i vještina,
iskustva, stila učenja, ciljeva ili interesa. Neodgovarajuća briga za razlike među korisnicima može
smanjiti njihovu motivaciju za korištenje sustava, pa čak dovesti i do potpunog neuspjeha obrazovnog
koncepta. Stoga je obrazovni tutorski softver nužno obogatiti prilagodljivim svojstvima. No,
implementacija prilagodljivosti povećava zahtjeve dizajna sustava jer je potrebno najprije identificirati
korisnikove značajke, pa potom osigurati kontinuirano praćenje njegova rada, analizu postupaka,
pohranu podataka o individualnim značajkama i validne načine njihova ažuriranja, rezoniranje o
scenarijima poučavanja i dostavljanju sljedećih aktivnosti i sl. Složenost implementacije povećava se u
slučaju poučavanja u tzv. „slabo definiranim“ domenama kod kojih je vrlo teško strukturirati ekspertno
znanje. Jedna takva domena je i učenje jezika koja se osim na eksplicitnom znanju temelji i na
vještinama, što dodatno pridonosi složenosti njezine implementacije.
U ovome se radu opisuje prilagodljivi sustav za e-učenje engleskog jezika nazvan LLS, koji u
obzir uzima korisnikovu razinu jezične sposobnosti u vještini čitanja temeljenu na Zajedničkom
europskom referentnom okviru za jezike (ZEROJ) i usmjerava ga prema višim razinama jezičnog
standarda. Sustav najprije prikuplja početno znanje o korisniku putem prilagodljivog testa vještine
čitanja kako bi čim ranije mogao započeti sa (smislenim) usmjeravanjem učenja. Usmjeravanje učenja
u sustavu očituje se u preporukama vrste aktivnosti koja je, obzirom na korisnikovo znanje i
kompetencije, optimalna u danom trenutku, te dostave materijala odgovarajuće složenosti. U radu se
validira način prikupljanja početnih podataka o korisniku i sagledavaju učinci usmjeravanja na konačno
Abstract (english) The number of tutoring systems among e-learning educational systems in all domains has been
steadily increasing. Such systems are designed with the goal of taking over the role of the real teacher
who is otherwise responsible for all aspects of the teaching process, by autonomously applying the
same or very similar methods to those of an expert in a particular field. In these learning contexts it is
necessary to ensure a personalised approach to teaching due to unavoidable differences in learner
characteristics. System users usually make a more or less heterogeneous group in which individuals
differ in their features such as the level of knowledge or skill, previous experience, learning style, goals
or interests, to name just a few. Improper treatment of learner differences may lead to a drop in
motivation regarding system use or even a complete failure of the educational setup. That is why it is
crucial to enrich the educational tutoring software with adaptive features. However, introducing
adaptivity into an educational system increases demands concerning its design as it is necessary first
to identify user characteristics, and then ensure continuous tracking of her work, analyse her
interactions with the system, manage data about individual characteristics and the ways of updating
them, enable reasoning about teaching scenarios and the delivery of subsequent activity, etc. The
complexity of implementation is increased in the case of the so called ill-defined domains where it is
particularly challenging to structure expert knowledge in a meaningful way. One such domain is
language learning: a domain not only based on knowledge but skill as well, which contributes
significantly to the difficulty of its implementation.
This doctoral thesis describes an adaptive e-learning system for English language reading called
LLS, which considers the level of a user's linguistic skill estimated according to the Common European
framework of reference for languages (CEFR) and guides her towards higher levels of the standard. The
system's primary task is to collect initial knowledge about the user by employing an adaptive test
procedure, so as to be able to start with (meaningful) guidance as soon as possible. Guiding students
while learning is implemented using recommendations of activity types which are, given the state and
level of user's knowledge and competence, considered as optimal at that particular time, and delivery
of materials of appropriate difficulty. The thesis further validates the way user data is initially obtained
and discusses the effects of giudance on the overall achievement.
(inteligentno) računalom potpomognuto učenje jezika
prilagodljivi obrazovni sustavi
inteligentni sustavi
Keywords (english)
(intelligent) computer assisted language learning
adaptive educational systems
intelligent systems
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:195:895567
Study programme Title: Informatics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti iz znanstvenog područja Društvene znanosti, polja Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. (doktor znanosti iz znanstvenog područja Društvene znanosti, polja Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti.)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-02-27 07:32:59