Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Akcijski plan razvoja cikloturizma sastoji se od uvodnog dijela u kojem se izlažu metodologija, pristup i ciljevi, nakon čega slijedi navođenje osnovnih strateških i pravnih polaznih dokumenata. Slijedi prikaz sadašnjeg stanja razvijenosti cikloturizma u Hrvatskoj i međunarodni trendovi u cikloturizmu te detaljna SWOT analiza. U završnom dijelu Plana predlažu se smjernice razvoja cikloturizma do 2020. godine, navode načini poticanja i modeli financiranja razvoja te predlažu ključne aktivnosti u... More razvoju proizvoda s akcijskim programom. Less
Description (english)
The action plan of cyclotourism includes introductory part where methodology, approoach and main goals are elaborated. It is followed by the explanation of the initial strategic and legal documents. The following chapters includes the elaboration of the existing state of cyclotiurism development in Croatia, international trends in cyclotourismturizmu and detailed SWOT analysis. The final chapters of the Action plan include the guidelines for the cyclotourism development until the year 2020.... More godine, the elaboration of the main financing models and supporting measures and finally the proposal for the main activities regarding the product development as well as action programme. Less