Description (croatian) | U dokumentu se prvo ukratko objašnjavaju pojmovi tranzitnog turizma i pratećih uslužnih objekata, uz navođenje nekih inozemnih primjera u pristupu izgradnji tih objekata. Slijedi opis geoprometnog položaja Slavonskog Broda te, na temelju dostupnih podataka, opis volumena i obilježja prometnog toka na autocesti A3. Analiza ponude, osim one uz autocestu, obuhvaća i analizu smještajnih kapaciteta te fizičkog turističkog prometa u Slavonskom Brodu. Na temelju navedenih sekundarnih izvora podataka, dosadašnjih istraživanja i spoznaja, daje se traženo ekspertno mišljenje. Ekspertno mišljenje predlaže pokretanje daljnjih aktivnosti vezanih uz obnovu i dovršetak ugostiteljskog objekta u okviru servisne zone Marsonija – jug, a temelji se na sljedećim uporištima: povoljan geoprometni položaj, postojeća prometna potražnja na A3 i trendovi rasta potražnje, povoljno konkurentsko okružje, povoljna mikrolokacija, te postojeća i buduća lokalna i turistička potražnja Slavonskog Broda. Osim ekspertnog mišljenja date su i preporuke za obnovu i dovršetak objekta u okviru PUO Marsonija – jug. |
Description (english) | The document first briefly explains the concepts of transit tourism and service zones, presenting some foreign examples of construction of service zones. An analysis of the geographical and geo-traffic position of Slavonski Brod is given, followed by an analysis of the volume and characteristics of the traffic flow on the A3 motorway as well as an analysis of available accommodation capacities and realized tourism flows (tourist arrivals and overnights) in Slavonski Brod. The required expert assessment is based on the analysis of secondary data sources, available research and gained knowledge. The expert assessment suggests the launch of further activities related to the restoration and completion of the motel facility within the service zone Marsonija - south, and is based on the following foundations: a favorable geographic and geo-traffic location, existing traffic demand on the A3 and the observed trends, a favorable competitive environment, favorable micro location, and existing and future local and tourist demand for Slavonski Brod. In addition to the expert assessment, the recommendations for the restoration and completion of the facility within the service zone Marsonija - south are given. |