Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Grad Čakovec povjerio je izradu Analize cestovnog prometa i infrastrukture na području Grada Čakovca znanstvenicima i stručnjacima Instituta za turizam. Područje obuhvata ove prometne studije predstavlja cestovnu prometnu mrežu i javne parkirališne površine Gradskog kotara Jug, a nalazi se na području južno od magistralne željezničke pruge (M501) do gradske obilaznice, te od Kalničke ulice na zapadu, do Preloške ulice na istoku. Praćenjem stanja odvijanja i sigurnosti prometa u zadnjem desetljeću, uočeno je da se na pojedinim raskrižjima događa neprihvatljivo veliki broj prometnih nesreća, što je nužno u najkraćem mogućem roku promijeniti. Temeljem navedenog, napravljena je kompletna analiza odvijanja cestovnog prometa i infrastrukture na području Gradskog kotara Jug. Za potrebe ove analize napravljena je situacija postojećeg stanja prometne signalizacije i opreme na cestama u zoni obuhvata (digitalni katastar na podlozi DOF-a). Napravljen je popis svih nedostataka u prometnim znakovima, opremi i oznakama na cesti na cijelom području kotara. U svrhu dobivanja relevantnih podataka o intenzitetu prometa i osnovnim parametrima prometnog toka, obavljeno je sveobuhvatno 24 – satno snimanje prometnih tokova u karakterističnim radnim danima. Izrađena studija predstavlja dovoljno kvalitetnu podlogu za izradu novih prometnih rješenja i planova za uređenje prometa u tom dijelu Grada.
Description (english)
The City of Čakovec entrusted the preparation and analysis of road transport infrastructure in the City of Čakovec to scientists and experts of the Institute for Tourism. The project areas of this traffic study are the road network and public parking areas in the district Jug in the city of Čakovec which is located in the area south of the main railway line (M501) to the city bypass between the Kalnička Street in the west to the east toward Preloška Street. By monitoring of traffic flow and traffic safety in the last decade it has been observed that in certain intersections unacceptably large number of traffic accidents occur. It is necessary to change it as soon as possible. A complete analysis of road traffic and infrastructure in the district Jug in the city of Čakovec. For the purposes of this analysis a situation of existing traffic signs and traffic equipment on the roads has been done in the project area (digital cadastre on digital ortofoto). A list of all deficiencies of the traffic signs, equipment and markings on the road throughout the district has been made. In order to obtain relevant data on traffic intensity and the basic parameters of the traffic flow, a comprehensive 24 - hour recording of traffic flows in typical weekdays has been done. A study is sufficiently useful baseline for the development of new transport solutions and plans for the regulation of traffic in this part of town.