Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
U okviru projekta izrađena su dva izvješća - početno o obrazloženju i opsegu i završno izvješće koje detaljno opisuje ciljeve i zadatke, pregled stanja potražnje za kulturnim turizmom, očekivane rezultate, donosi mapiranje dionika, stvaranje partnerstva, financijski okvir, identifikaciju EU poziva koji bi mogao financirati projekt, studiju izvedivosti i detaljan plan aktivnosti kroz pet radnih paketa, pri čemu se prvi i peti bave upravljanjem projektima i vidljivošću rezultata projekta, dok su ostatak: metodološki okvir (WP2), provedba istraživanja i analize podataka (WP3) i implikacije na politiku s preporukama (WP4). Pored toga, popunjen je obrazac za prijavu za poziv Interreg ADRION, spreman za podnošenje, s formiranim partnerstvom i pripremljenim pravnim dokumentima.
Description (english)
Within the scope of the project two reports were produced - initial on rationale and scope and final report detailing aims and objectives, overview of the cultural tourism demand state of the art, expected results, stakeholder mapping, partnership formation, financial framework, identification of EU call most likely to fund the project, feasibility study, and detailed plan of activities through five work packages, where first and fifth deal with project management and dissemination/visibility of project results respectively, while the rest are: methodological framework (WP2), implementation of survey and data analysis (WP3) and policy implications with recommendations (WP4). In addition, an application form for Interreg ADRION call was completed, ready for submission, with partnership formed and legal documents prepared.
Appendix 1. Results of desktop research and stakeholder analysis ; Appendix 2. Cultural tourism demand research bibliography ; Appendix 3. ADRION application form ; Appendix 4. Letters of intent ; Appendix 5. Feasibility study