Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline
SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Description (croatian)
Projekt se sastojao od analize sekundarnih podataka, te provedbe više primarnih istraživanja. One su uključivale anketno istržaivanje te dubinske intervjue. U projektu je detaljno analizirano stanje gastronomske ponude u Županiji. Potom su definirani prednosti, nedostaci, prilike i prijetnje. Slijede vizija i ciljevi razvoja turizma. Razrada marketinških aktivnosti obuhvatila je ciljna tržišta, pozicioniranje Županije, razvoj promoizvoda te promocijske aktivnosti. Akcijski plan sastoji se od... More opisa 16 projekta koji su grupirani u sljedeća područja: upralvjanje razvojem gastronomskog turizma, razvoj proizvoda, promocijske aktivnosti, razvoj ljudskih resursa. Less
Description (english)
For the needs of the project, several primary surveys were conducted and secondary data were analyzed. Primary research included in-depth interviews with local community stakeholders. Resources and attractions important for the development of the gastronomic offer were analyzed in detail. They did not include survey research and in-depth interviews. Then the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats were defined. After the analysis, the vision and goals of the development of... More gastronomic tourism were defined. Marketing activities included defining and description of targeted markets, positioning, tourism product development and promotional activities. The action plan consists of descriptions of 16 projects that are grouped into the following areas: management of gastronomic tourism development, product development, promotional activities and human resources development. Less