Title Život po evanđelju na primjeru slabih i jakih u Pavlovoj poslanici Rimljanima
Title (english) Life according to the Gospel on the Example of the Weak and the Strong in Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Author Monika Prša
Mentor Mario Cifrak (mentor)
Committee member Taras Barščevski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Čatić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of the Holy Scripture of the New Testament) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-03-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Biblical Theology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 272 - Roman Catholic church
Abstract Disertacija istražuje problematiku jakih i slabih u vjeri iz Rim 14,1 – 15,13 u kontekstu Pavlove teologije opravdanja po vjeri i u odnosu problematike jakih i slabih u savjesti iz 1 Kor 8,1 – 11,1 kroz sinkronijski i dijakronijski pristup povijesno-kritičkoj metodi. Istraživanje problematike ograničilo se na sedam Pavlovih autentičnih poslanica. Egzegetska analiza cjeline Rim 14,1 – 15,13 ukazala je na četiri specifična elementa iz kojih saznajemo da je problematika jakih i slabih u vjeri motivirana sukobom između judeokršćana i poganokršćana glede poštivanja židovskih blagdana i propisa prehrane zbog čega ih Pavao poziva na međusobno prihvaćanje kako bi stvorio jedinstvo zajednice. Također, Pavao njihov sukob i svoj parenetski poticaj smješta u kontekst vjere. K tomu analiza cjeline ukazala je da Apostol navodi sedam razloga za jedinstvo rimskih kršćana koja su povezana s doktrinarnim dijelom poslanice gdje se iznosi teologija opravdanja po vjeri. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je povezanost na semantičkoj i teološkoj razini. Problematika jedinstva jakih i slabih u vjeri u čitavom se kontekstu poslanice zrcali u Apostolovom nastojanju tumačenja sveopćeg spasenja, koje uključuje Židove i pogane. Zbog svega navedenog u disertaciji se zaključilo da je cjelina 14,1 – 15,13 ključna za razumijevanje Pavlove poslanice Rimljanima te da se Apostolov nauk o opravdanju po vjeri tiče konkretnih problema rimskih kršćana. Ta je cjelina ključna jer po njoj vidimo pravo poimanje sadržaja poslanice kojoj je tema život po evanđelju, dok je opravdanje po vjeri njezina fundamentalna postavka. Time teologija opravdanja po vjeri nije nauk per se nego Apostolu služi ostvarivanju eklezijalno-pastoralnih pothvata. U posljednjoj fazi analize došlo se do zaključka da problematika rimskih kršćana u pogledu jakih i slabih u vjeri nije identična problematici korintskih kršćana zbog čega Pavao na jedinstveni način pristupa rješavanju spomenutog problema. Naime, u 1 Kor ne koristi teologiju opravdanja po vjeri kao osnovu za međusobno prihvaćanje zajednice.
Abstract (english) The dissertation investigates the issue of the strong and the weak in faith from Rom 14,1 – 15,13 in the context of Paul's theology of justification by faith and in relation to the issue of the strong and the weak in conscience from 1 Cor 8,1 – 11,1 through a synchronic and diachronic approach of the historical-critical method. The investigation of the issue was limited to seven authentic epistles of Paul. The exegetical analysis of the unit Rom 14,1 – 15,13 pointed to four specific elements from which we learn that the issue of the strong and the weak in faith is motivated by the conflict between Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians regarding the observance of Jewish holidays and dietary regulations, which is why Paul calls them to mutual acceptance that would create union in community. Also, Paul places their conflict and his paraenetical encouragement in the context of faith. In addition, the analysis of the unit showed that the Apostle gives seven reasons for the unity of Roman Christians, which are connected with the doctrinal part of the Epistle where the theology of justification by faith is presented. The research results show that the connection is at the semantic and theological levels. The issue of the unity of the strong and the weak in faith in the entire context of the Epistle is reflected in the Apostle's effort to interpret universal salvation, which includes Jews and Gentiles. Because of all the above, it was concluded that unit 14,1 – 15,13 is crucial for the understanding of the Epistle to the Romans and that the Apostle's teaching on justification by faith concerns the specific problems of Roman Christians. This unit is crucial because through it we can see the true understanding of the content of the Epistle, the subject of which is life according to the gospel, while justification by faith is its fundamental presupposition. Thus, the theology of justification by faith is not presented as doctrine per se but serves the Apostle to achieve ecclesial-pastoral undertakings. In the last phase of the analysis, the conclusion was reached that the problem of the Roman Christians in terms of the strong and the weak in faith is not identical to the problem of the Corinthian Christians, which is why Paul approaches the solution of the mentioned problem in a unique way. Namely, in 1 Cor he does not use the theology of justification by faith as a basis for the mutual acceptance of the community.
Apostol Pavao
Poslanica Rimljanima
jaki i slabi u vjeri
opravdanje po vjeri
Keywords (english)
Apostle Paul
Epistle to the Romans
the strong and the weak in faith
justification by faith
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:222:807260
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Licentiate and Doctorate Study Programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija)
Catalog URL https://kbf-test.zaki.com.hr/pagesResults/bibliografskiZapis.aspx?¤tPage=1&searchById=1&sort=0&age=0&fid0=1&fv0=Pr%c5%a1a%2c+Monika&spid0=1&spv0=Pr%c5%a1a&mdid0=0&vzid0=0&selectedId=1199003274
Type of resource Text
Extent VIII, 159 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-04-04 12:53:09