Title Glavne značajke ekumenizma Aleksandra Menja i njihova suvremena primjenjivost
Title (english) The main features of Aleksandar Menj's ecumenism and their contemporary applicability
Author Bernard Jurjević MBZ: 01463814215
Mentor Juro Zečević-Božić (mentor) MBZ: 201003
Committee member Petar Bašić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 184192
Committee member Antun Japundžić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 325095
Granter University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of Ecumenical Theology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Ecumenical Theology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 272 - Roman Catholic church
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Ekumenizam; Aleksander Menj
Abstract Ova disertacija posebnu pozornost posvećuje glavnim značajkama ekumenizma Aleksandra Menja i njihovoj primjenjivosti u suvremenom kontekstu. Aleksandar Menj promatra Crkvu kao jedinstvenu po otajstvu u Kristu, s Kristom i po Kristu, te po trojedinom Bogu i na taj način ostvaruje jedinstvo jedne i čitave Katoličke (saborne) Crkve. Za njega je ovo uzajamno priznanje moguće samo onda ako su kao prvo, ova čitava Crkva i njezino otajstvo zaista prisutni u svakoj mjesnoj (biskupskoj) Crkvi koja slavi euharistiju; te ako se, kao drugo, ovo jedinstvo i istost uza svu kulturnu različitost i mnogobrojnost izražava spominjanjem i drugih patrijarha (biskupa) u euharistijskom slavlju međusobno povezanih Crkava. Rad je podijeljen u šest poglavlja. U prvoj cjelini koja je svojevrstan uvod u temu prikazuje se povjesno-društveni kontekst u vrijeme djelovanja Aleksandra Menja. Potom se predstavlja duhovni profil ruskog teologa Aleksandra Menja i mišljenje svjedoka njegove vjere. Druga cjelina prikazuje ekumenizam u suvremenoj crkvi i dosadašnje predložene modele poimanja tog jedinstva. Treća cjelina predstavlja izvorni materijal i sav ekumenski potencijal misli i djela Aleksandra Menja i sintetizira ga u jedinstvenu ekumensku viziju oca Menja. Kompariranjem sa dotadašnjim ekumenistima ruske pravoslavne crkve potvrdila se originalnost ove vizije. Četvrti dio istražuje mogućnosti primjene ekumenske vizije oca Menja u Rimokatoličkoj crkvi i pokazuje se da je Menjov ekumenski model u velikoj mjeri zajednički u bitnim crtama s izkazanim stavovima i djelovanjem novijih papa Pavla IV, Ivana Pavla II, Benedikta XVI i Franje. Zadnji dio, zaključno je prikazao model ujedinjenja koji se može izvuči iz Menjove ekumenske vizije koji počiva na dijalogu, poštivanju individualnosti svakog čovjeka, svake kulture kao bogatstvo samog kršćanstva. U zaključku pokazat će se je li i u kojoj mjeri ekumenska vizija oca Menja podobna kao jedinstveni model za ujedinjenje kršćanskih crkava i zajednica.
Abstract (english) This work mainly focuses on the feature of Christian unity in the works of Aleksandar Men, a Russian presbyter who sees the Church as unique in its mystery in Christ, with Christ and after Christ and the Trinity which contributes to the unity of one and whole Catholic Church. According to him this mutual confession is possible only if, firstly, this whole Church and its mystery are really present in every local (episcopal) Church which celebrates the Eucharist and secondly, if this unity and equality is expressed by mentioning other patriarchs (bishops) in the Eucharistic celebration, despite the cultural diversity and multiplicity. This work is divided into six parts. The first unit serves as a form of introduction bringing the historical and social context in the time when theologist Aleksandar Men lived, followed by his spiritual profile and opinions of the witnesses of his faith. The second unit shows the original material and all ecumenic potential of Aleksandar Men’s thoughts and actions and synthesizes it in a unique ecumenic vision of father Men. Comparing this vision with former ecumenists of the Russian Orthodox church confirmed its originality. Comparison with the present situation in Church makes up the following three chapters. It firstly introduces the ecumenical attitude in the Orthodox Church with variations in the relationships of different currents and then analyses the relationship of the Othodox Church towards father Men’s figure, work and ecumenic vision. The fourth unit explores pervasion of father Men’s ecumenic vision with ecumenic thoughts in the Roman Catholic Church showing that Men’s ecumenic model is largely common (in the important thoughts) to the attitudes and work of the newer popes – Paul IV, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. The fifth unit describes ecumenic dialogue with Protestant Churches and other Christian communities and the diversity in their ecumenic attitudes that father Men’s ecumenic vision could bridge. The final, sixth unit, presents a model of unification that can be based on Men’s ecumenic vision which lies on dialogue, respecting each person’s individuality and viewing every culture as richness of Christianity. This last unit concludes that the ecumenic vision of father Men is suitable as a unique model for the unification of the Christian churches and communities.
Aleksandar Menj
jedinstvo Crkve
Ruska pravoslavna Crkva
Keywords (english)
Aleksander Menj
unity of Church
Russian Orthodox Church
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:222:067063
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Licentiate and Doctorate Study Programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija (magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent str. 338; 30cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-02 14:21:37