Title Papa Franjo i kultura susreta
Title (english) Pope Francis and the culture of encounter
Author Jure Paponja
Mentor Šimun Bilokapić (mentor)
Mentor Šimun Markulin (sumentor)
Committee member Ivan Macut (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Mihalj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Šimun Markulin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Catholic Theology (Chair of Moral Theology) Split
Defense date and country 2021-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Moral Theology
Abstract Na iznenađenje mnogih 13. ožujka 2013. godine kardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio izborom kardinalskog kolegija postao je 266. nasljednikom sv. Petra. Time je postao prvi papa iz Latinske Amerike. Njegovo podrijetlo je multikulturalno društvo Argentine, koje je obilježeno radikalnom ekonomskom nejednakošću i isključivanjem siromašnih iz društvenog utjecaja. Papa je i unutar Crkve iskusio udaljavanje njezinoga vodstva od onih koji se nalaze na marginama društva. To iskustvo je obilježilo njegov pastoralni rad i oblikovalo njegovo razmišljanje o društvu i Crkvi. Pojave korupcije, nejednakosti, konzumerizma, isključivanja siromašnih i bespomoćnih, odbacivanje i iskorištavanje bližnjega, uništavanje okoliša i vjersko nasilje, on promatra kao znakove vremena. Time se očituje njegova proročka služba. Ne ustručava se prokazati te pojave i u samoj Crkvi. Prevladavanje tih poteškoća Papa vidi u činjenici da su sve osobe braća i sestre, jer im je Bog Otac. Iz te činjenice proizlazi nepovredivo dostojanstvo svake ljudske osobe. Bog je i stvoritelj cjelokupne stvarnosti koju je obnovio u Isusu Kristu. Prema tomu, Franjo promatra čovječanstvo kao jedinstvenu cjelinu sa svojim kulturalnim različitostima, koje za njega nisu prepreka u ujedinjenju čovječanstva, nego pravo bogatstvo. U ovome radu se na temelju dosadašnjeg Papina djelovanja predstavlja njegova kultura susreta koju on nudi kao rješenje prethodno navedenim poteškoćama, kao i izazovi te iste kulture odnosno način kako je implementirati u crkvenu zajednicu i u najvažnije dimenzije cjelokupnog čovječanstva. Sveti Otac u svom implementiranju kulture susreta polazi od pretpostavke da je crkvenu zajednicu kao i međunarodne institucije potrebno reformirati. Ta reformacija bi trebala omogućiti da te institucije prvenstveno oblikuje mentalitet služenja, a ne mentalitet vladanja, da umjesto centara moći i povlaštenog mjesta političkih i vjerskih elita postanu centrima pomoći i susreta cjelokupnog čovječanstva. Pri tome papa Franjo ne želi inzistirati na brzim i vidljivim rezultatima, koji bi bili plod brzih i autoritativnih odluka, koje bi dugoročno postale uzrokom netrpeljivosti i sukoba. Papi je umjesto toga važnije samo pokretanje procesa reforme, koji bi dugoročno i kod sljedećih generacija ostvario mentalitet univerzalnog bratstva.
Abstract (english) To the surprise of many, on March 13, 2013 the Cardinal College elected Jose Maria Bergoglio as the 266th successor of st. Peter and the first Pope from Latin America. He comes from the multicultural society of Argentina, marked by radical economic inequalities and the exclusion of the poor from social influence. Within the Church, too, the Pope had experienced, distancing of her leadership from those who are on the margins of society. This experience has marked his pastoral work and shaped his understanding of the society and the Church. Corruption, inequality, consumerism, exclusion of the poor and helpless, rejection and exploitation of others, environmental degradation and religious violence the Pope sees as signs of the times and thereby reveals his prophetic ministry. He does not hesitate to denounce the same occurrences within the Church. The way to overcome these obstacles the Pope sees in the fact that all human beings are brothers and sisters because God is our Father. The inviolable dignity of every human person arises from that fact. God is also the Creator of all reality which He restored in Jesus Christ. Francis sees humanity as a single whole with cultural diversities which, for him, are not an obstacle to the unity of the humankind but a real treasure. Presented in this paper, and in accordance with his previous actions, is the culture of encounter which the Pope offers as a solution to the above mentioned obstacles along with pertaining challenges of this culture and ways of its implementation in the Church community and the most important dimensions of the whole humanity. In implementing the culture of encounter the Holy Father starts from the assumption that the Church community and the international institutions need to be reformed. This reformation should enable the institutions to be primarily shaped by the mentality of service rather than government. Instead of being centers of power and privileges for political and religious elites they should become centers of help and encounter for all humanity. Pope Francis does not insist on quick and visible results arising from rapid and authoritative decisions which could in the long term become causes of intolerance and conflict and finds it more important to start the process of reform that would, in the long run and in the next generations, result in the mentality of universal brotherhood.
papa Franjo
kultura susreta
kultura odbacivanja
kultura isključivanja
kulturna kolonizacija
ljudska osoba
socijalni nauk Crkve
Božji narod
pluralizam religija
otvorena Crkva
Keywords (english)
Pope Francis
culture of encounter
culture of rejection
culture of exclusion
cultural colonization
human person
Social doctrine of the Church
God's people
pluralism of religions
open Church
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:202:501470
Study programme Title: Philosophical-theological studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra teologije (magistar/ magistra teologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-11-30 12:36:19