Abstract | Obitelj je primarna zajednica osoba i osnovna stanica društva. Njezin temelj je intimna
zajednica muškarca i žene koja je kao takva upisana u samu ljudsku narav, stvorenu na sliku
trojstvenog Boga. Ona je prva škola ljubavi, vjere, cjelovitog razvoja čovjeka, socijalizacije...
Uronjena u povijesni kontekst ljudskog postojanja, podložna je promjenama. Današnje društvo
uvelike je obilježeno raznim krizama i one itekako utječu na obitelj jer je odnos obitelj - društvo
utjecajno uzajaman. Cilj ovog rada je pokazati kako teološki govor o braku i obitelji, koji se
može činiti kao utopijski i neostvarivi ideal, je teško ostvariv, ako ne i nemoguć bez onog
konstitutivnog elementa kršćanske obitelji, a to je duhovnost. Obiteljskoj duhovnosti koja je
uronjena u obiteljsku stvarnost i svakodnevnicu nisu nepoznate poteškoće obiteljskog života
jer ona dotiče sve ono što je autentično ljudsko. Kristovim otkupiteljskim zahvatom obitelj biva
otkupljena i posvećena, osigurana Božjom pomoćnom intervencijom i njegovom prisutnošću
u njihovim međusobnim odnosima i svakodnevnici. Bog se trajno zalaže da se svaka obitelj što
više približi njegovom naumu koji je Crkva pozvana neumorno naviještati, a kršćanske obitelji
svjedočiti. U takvim obiteljima leže temelji bolje i zdravije budućnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Family is the primary community of persons and the basic unit of society. Its foundation
is the intimate union of a man and a woman, such as that inscribed in human nature. and created
in the image of the triune God. It is the first school of love, faith, integral human development,
socialization... Immersed in the historical context of human existence, it is subject to change.
Today's society is largely characterized by various crises, and they greatly affect the family,
because the relationship between family and society is mutually influential. This paper has for
its main point is to show how the theological discourse on marriage and family, which may
seem like a utopian and unattainable ideal, is difficult to achieve, if not impossible, without
that constitutive element of the Christian family, which is spirituality. Family spirituality,
which is immersed in family reality and everyday life, is not unfamiliar with the difficulties of
family life because it touches everything that is authentically human. Through Christ's
redemptive intervention, the family is redeemed and sanctified, secured by God's auxiliary
intervention and his presence in their mutual relations and everyday life. God is constantly
interceding for every family to come as close as possible to his plan, which the Church is called
to proclaim tirelessly, and Christian families to bear witness to. In such families lies the
foundation of a better and healthier future. |