Title Kateheza ministranata unutar župne zajednice
Title (english) Catechesis of alter servers within the parish community
Author Ivan Mamić
Mentor Jadranka Garmaz (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Macut (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jadranka Garmaz (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dijana Mihalj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Catholic Theology (Chair of Religious Pedagogy and Catechetics) Split
Defense date and country 2022-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Religious Education and Catechesis
Abstract Kateheza je unutar evangelizacijskog poslanja Crkve najvažniji oblik učenja i poučavanja vjere i u vjeri onih koji su kršteni i odlučili su slijediti Kristov put. Kao središnja zadaća Crkve kateheza ima ulogu ne samo poučavanja i učenja vjere nego i svoje ispunjenje nalazi u uvođenju vjernika u zajednicu Crkve. Primanjem sakramenata, osobito sakramenata inicijacije kao članovi crkvene zajednice vjernici su pozvani na apostolat, službu služenja i poslanja u svijetu. Unutar tog procesa kateheze inicijacije, ministranta se služba odvajkada ucijepila kao zajednica koja je do današnjih dana prezentna gotovo u svakoj župnoj zajednici. Ovaj rad analizira i istražuje ministrantsku službu, katehezu ministranata s fokusom na poslanje ministranta unutar Crkve. Rad se sastoji od tri dijela. U prvom se prikazuje ministrantska služba kroz razne biblijske primjere, te kroz primjere blaženika i svetaca koji su za ovozemaljskog života na svoj način bili ministranti. Nakon predstavljanja ministrantske zajednice i njezine utemeljenosti na primjerima pokrepljenim Biblijom rad se fokusira na samu bit, to jest na katehezu ministranata. Ona je podijeljena na tri važna djela koja su neophodna za katehezu ministranata a to su: liturgijski aspekt, socijalno-karitativni aspekt i „communio“ to jest zajedništvo. U posljednjem dijelu se predstavljaju njihove karakteristike i oznake, a naglasak se stavlja na zajedništvo kao glavnu karakteristiku ministrantske zajednice. Rad završava trećim poglavljem koje govori o rađanju budućih duhovnih zvanja kroz ministranske zajednice. Posebno su naglašena tri elementa koja su važna za zvanja, a to su: obitelj, župna zajednica i župnik.
Abstract (english) The Catholic Church has always paid great attention to catechesis. Throughout its long history, the Catholic Church has brought up countless generations of Catholics with the help of Catechesis. Recently, it has been noticed that difficulty in approaching young people. Institutions like the Family and the Catholic Church simply don't reach the young like they used to. The goal of the Catholic Church is to approach children and young people with the help of catechesis in the hope of regaining their trust. Catechesis must be adapted to the group with which the good news is shared to. One of the groups that belong to compulsory catechesis is the altar servants who are the subject of this thesis. The key feature of every ministerial community is catechesis. The initial part of the thesis presents and explains the meaning of ministerial service itself through various biblical examples and by various blesseds and saints who were altar servants in their way during their earthly life. After the presentation of the ministerial community and its foundation on examples supported by the Bible and the lives of various saints and blesseds, we move on to the very essence, that is, the catechesis of altar servers. It is divided into three important parts that are necessary for the catechesis of altar servers, namely: the liturgical aspect, the social-charitable aspect, and "communio", that is, togetherness. In the last part, their characteristics and markings are presented, and the emphasis is placed on togetherness as the main characteristic of the ministerial community. The work ends with the third chapter, which talks about the birth of future spiritual vocations through ministerial communities. Three aspects that are important for spiritual vocations are particularly emphasized, namely: Family, parish community, and Pastor.
župna zajednica
duhovni poziv
Keywords (english)
Altar servers
Parish community
spiritual vocations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:202:215318
Study programme Title: Philosophical-theological studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra teologije (magistar/ magistra teologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-11-25 13:16:16