Abstract | Brak je ustanovio sam Bog, on je trajna veza za jednu ženu i jednoga muža. Kršćanska je obitelj sakramentom ženidbe posvećena i time, Krist je svojom žrtvom ljubavi na križu otvorio izvore milosti, koje posvećuju čovjeka i sav njegov život. Dakle, sakrament ženidbe je milosni temelj da obitelj ostvari svoje poslanje u skladu s Božjom zamisli obitelji. Obitelj je svetište nesebične ljubavi, sebedarja, požrtvovnosti u prihvaćanju djece kao Božjeg dara. Obitelj je prva škola odgoja u vjeri, nadi i ljubavi. U toj posvećenoj zajednici čovjek dolazi na svijet dočekan ljubavlju oca i majke: u obitelji čovjek tjelesno, duševno i duhovno raste u vrijednostima u kojima obitelj živi. Budući da je društvo izloženo stalnim promjenama koje najviše utječu na ljude, ne čudi da su te promjene zahvatile obitelj i odgoj u njoj. Takva obitelj prilagođava svoje uloge društvenim zahtjevima, pravilima i svemu što te promjene donose. Obitelj u suvremenom svijetu ima brojne izazove, na koje je dužna odgovorno i razborito odgovarati, cilj je očuvati i njegovati bračnu i obiteljsku ljubav. Pomoć možemo tražiti u psihološkom i duhovnom vidu pomoći i potpore ugroženim obiteljima. Svaki od ova dva vida pruža adekvatna rješenja na čovjekove probleme. Obitelj ima svoj poziv na svetost i zato su nama obitelji jako bitne jer ako imamo zdrave obitelji i imamo zdrave pojedince, onda imamo zdravu Crkvu. |
Abstract (english) | Marriage was instituted by God himself, it is a permanent bond for one woman and one husband. The Christian family is sanctified by the sacrament of marriage and thus, with His sacrifice of love on the cross, He opened the sources of grace, which sanctify man and his whole life. Therefore, the sacrament of marriage is a gracious foundation for the family to fulfill its mission in accordance with God's idea of the family. The family is a sanctuary of selfless love, self-giving, sacrifice in accepting children as God's gift. The family is the first school of education in faith, hope and love. In that consecrated community, a person comes into the world welcomed by the love of a father and mother: in a family, a person grows physically, mentally and spiritually in the values in which the family lives. Since society is exposed to constant changes that affect people the most, it is not surprising that these changes affected the family and upbringing in it. Such a family adapts its roles to social requirements, rules and everything that these changes bring. The family in the modern world has numerous challenges, to which it must respond responsibly and judiciously, the goal is to preserve and nurture marital and family love. We can seek help in the form of psychological and spiritual help and support for vulnerable families. Each of these two types provides adequate solutions to human problems. The family has its own call to holiness, and that is why families are very important to us, because if we have healthy families and healthy individuals, then we have a healthy Church. |