Abstract | Autor u diplomskom radu promišlja o Marijinoj legiji i njezinom doprinosu evangelizaciji društva. U prvom poglavlju govori o povijesti nastanka Marijine legije, prikazujući njezin početak, koji se dogodio prije više od stotinu godina, razvoj i smjer kroz prizmu osnivača u kontekstu tadašnjega stanja Crkve i svijeta. Iznose se razlozi i usmjerenja Marijine legije. Obrazlaže se njezin program, poziv i poslanje te nužni uvjeti da bi mogla djelovati na određenom području. U drugom poglavlju prezentira se srž i bogatstvo duhovnoga života Marijine legije. Ističe se njezina oslonjenost na nauk i praksu Crkve i velikodušna upućenost na prijeke potrebe bližnjih. Posebno se ističe pobožnost prema Blaženoj Djevici Mariji, koja nije samo majka Kristu već i svim ljudima naglašavajući da u pravu pobožnost prema Mariji mora biti uključeno i služenje dušama što Legija nastoji ostvariti kroz vršenje apostolata. Posebno mjesto u životu legionara ima Euharistija i molitva krunice kao temelji koji im pomažu u duhovnom rastu i na putu prema ostvarivanju cilja Marijine legije. U trećem, zaključnom poglavlju, iznose se promišljanja o specifičnom doprinosu Marijine legije poslanju Crkve koje je prepoznato od strane mnogobrojnih Petrovih nasljednika koji su joj iskazali potporu naglašavajući njezinu ulogu u izgradnji i širenju kraljevstva Božjega, uvijek u odanosti i poslušnosti crkvenom učiteljstvu. Ističu se i pojedini njezini članovi kao reprezentativni primjeri utjelovljenja Legijskoga duha koji su umrli na glasu svetosti i čija poruka života poziva na svetost svakoga od nas. |
Abstract (english) | In this graduation thesis, the author reflects on the Legion of Mary and its contribution to the evangelization of society. In the first chapter, he talks about the history of the formation of the Legion of Mary, showing its beginning, which happened more than a hundred years ago, its development and direction through the prism of the founder in the context of the state of the Church and the world at that time. The reasons and criteria, of what the Legion of Mary is, are presented. Its program, calling, and mission are explained, as well as the necessary conditions for it to be able to operate in a certain area. In the second chapter, the author presents the essence and richness of the spiritual life of the Legion of Mary. Its reliance on the doctrine and practice of the Church and its generous awareness of the needs of her neighbors. Particular emphasis is placed on devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is not only the mother of Christ but also the mother to all people, stressing that true devotion to Mary must include service to souls, which the Legion strives to achieve through apostolate. The Eucharist and the prayer of the rosary have a special place in the lives of legionaries. They are foundations that help them in their spiritual growth and on the way to achieving the goal of the Legion of Mary. In the third, concluding chapter, reflections are presented on the specific contribution of the Legion of Mary to the mission of the Church, which is manifested especially in the recognition of her charisma by numerous Popes who expressed their support, emphasizing its role in upbuilding and expansion of the kingdom of God, always in loyalty and obedience to the Catholic Church. Some of its venerable members, stand out as representative examples of the embodiment of the Legion spirit and whose way of life calls each one of us to strive for holiness. |