Abstract | U ovome radu autorica se bavi fra Bernardinom Sokolom poznatim franjevcem, glazbenikom i hrvatskim mučenikom. Prateći njegov život od njegova rođenja pa do nasilne smrti želi nas upoznati s veličinom nadarenog franjevca. U prvom dijelu govori se o životu fra Bernardina Sokola, njegovom obrazovnom putu koji ga je učinio velikim glazbenim umjetnikom. Govorimo o njegovoj mučeničkoj smrti i životnom štovanju sestre Marije-Celine od Prikazanja. U središnjem dijelu autorica se osvrće na Sokolovu posvećenost glazbi iz koje nastaje njegov veliki stvaralački skladateljski opus. Unutar tog opusa autorica razrađuje njegove mise i veliki broj crkvenih skladbi koje je Sokol posvetio Majci Božjoj, Isusu i drugim svecima. Sokol je skladao i svjetovne skladbe od kojih je dio namijenio mješovitim zborovima, a drugi dio namijenjen je djeci i objavljen pod nazivom Glazbeni monolozi. Njegov svjetovni skladateljski opus obilježili su Angelusi, a okušao se i u instrumentalnim skladbama. Cijeli Sokolov život je vezan za pedagošku i izdavačku djelatnost. Konačno, u trećem dijelu autorica obrađuje temu prekida šutnje koja je nastala nakon njegove smrti. Ponovno rođenje jednog čestitog franjevca dolazi s uspostavom slobodne i neovisne države Hrvatske kada se počinje ponovno spominjati ime i izvoditi djela fra Bernardina Sokola. Manifestacija Sokolovi dani je bio izniman događaj koji je otkrio mnoge Istine o osobi i djelu poznatog franjevca-glazbenika. |
Abstract (english) | In this paper, the author studies Fr. Bernardin Sokol, a famous Franciscan, a musician, and a Croatian martyr. Following his life, from birth to the violent death, she wants to make us familiar with the greatness of the gifted Franciscan. In the first part, she talks about the life of Fr. Bernardin Sokol and the educational way that made him a great musical artist. We talk about his martyrial death and life-long worshipping of the sister Marija-Celina of Apparition. In the middle part, the author looks back on Sokol’s dedication to music, where his great creational composing opus comes from. Within this opus, the author elaborates his masses and a great number of church compositions Sokol dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and other saints. Sokol also composed secular music, some parts of these compositions were intended for mixed choirs, and the second part was intended for children and published as Musical Monologues. His secular composing opus was marked by Angelus, and he also tried his hand at instrumental compositions. Sokol’s whole life is connected to pedagogic and publishing activities. Finally, in the third part, the author elaborates on the theme of the silence interruption that appeared after his death. The rebirth of the decent Franciscan comes with the establishment of the free and independent country of Croatia when the name of Fr. Bernardin Sokol starts to be mentioned and his works are performed again. The manifestation of Sokol’s Days was an extraordinary event that revealed a lot of truth about the personality and work of the famous Franciscan musician. |