Abstract | Ovaj diplomski rad pokušaj je sveobuhvatne informiranosti sadržaja i rada hagioterapije te procesa duhovnog liječenja. U prvom poglavlju želi se pokazati kako je čovjek sklad duha, duše i tijela, te kako neuravnoteženost ovih triju dimenzija vodi do moralnih patnji i boli, koje onda mogu biti popraćene i psihofizičkim bolima. To pokazuju i medicinska istraživanja, a njihovo izlječenje moguće je isključivo na duhovnoj razini. Zapravo se pokazalo da preko 60% psihofizičkih bolesti, koje su specifično ljudske, što znači da nisu uzrokovane virusima i bakterijama, svoj uzrok imaju u egzistencijalno – duhovnim konfliktima koji se odvijaju unutar čovjeka. Tu nastupa hagioterapija koja označava proces liječenja i otklanjanja duhovnih boli i trauma te povezuje čovjeka sa samim sobom. Ona teži uspostavljanju harmonije čitavog ljudskog bića. Samo ime ukazuje da je Bog jedini svet i da u toj svetosti želi liječiti čovjekovu dušu, ali i čovjek je na neki način svet jer je stvoren na „sliku Božju“, ima osobnost, karakter, savjest i religioznost. U drugom dijelu bazirat ćemo se na same duhovne bolesti, kako do njih dolazi te koji su njihovi simptomi. Ovdje ćemo spomenuti i test preko kojeg se otkrivaju uzroci i simptomi duhovnih boli, a onda će se u trećem, ujedno zadnjem dijelu opisivati sam proces provedbe duhovne terapije te ćemo navesti neke specifične primjene u samoj praksi, istovremeno ćemo istaknuti od kolike su zapravo važnosti ljudsko suosjećanje, briga i ljubav u zdravstvenoj i duhovnoj skrbi za bolesnike. Pritom je neizbježno istaknuti i utjecaj kršćanska religija, sakramenta i same vjere na izlječenje čovjekovih bolesti jer su se upravo te kršćanske vrednote pokazale kao izrazito funkcionalne u izlječenju čovjekovih tjelesnih i duhovnih boli. |
Abstract (english) | This diploma thesis is an attempt to comprehensively inform the content and love of hagiotherapy and the process of spiritual healing. In the first chapter, we want to show how a person's spirit, soul, and body are in harmony, and how the imbalance of these three dimensions leads to moral suffering and pain, which can then be accompanied by psychophysical pain. This is also shown by medical research, but their healing is only possible on a spiritual level. It has been shown that over 60% of psychophysical diseases, which are specifically human, which means that they are not caused by viruses and bacteria, have their cause in existential - spiritual conflicts that take place within a person. This is where hagiotherapy comes into play, which signifies the process of healing and removing spiritual pain and trauma, and connects man with himself. It tends to establish the harmony of the entire human being. The name itself indicates that God is the only holy one and that in this holiness he wants to heal the human soul, or that man is also holy in some way because he is created in the "image of God", he has personality, character, conscience, and religiosity. In the second part, we will focus on spiritual diseases themselves, how they occur, and what their symptoms are. Here we will also mention the test through which the causes and symptoms of spiritual pain are revealed, and then in the third and last part the process of implementing spiritual therapy will be described and we will highlight some specific applications in the practice itself and how important are, human compassion, care and love are in health and spiritual care for the sick. At the same time, the influence of the Christian religion, the sacraments, and the faith itself on the healing of human illnesses is inevitably highlighted, because precisely these Christian values have proven to be extremely functional in the healing of human physical and spiritual pains. |