Title Sakrament pokore i oprosta
Title (english) The sacrament of penance and forgiveness
Author Antonio Brizić
Mentor Ante Mateljan (mentor)
Committee member Alojzije Čondić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Mateljan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Dukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Catholic Theology (Chair of Dogmatic Theology) Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Dogmatic Theology
Abstract U radu iznosimo povijesni pregled pokorničke discipline počevši od utemeljenosti u sv. Pismu. Starozavjetna pokora je imala za cilj ublažiti Božju srdžbu i često se shvaćala formalistički, a u Novom zavjetu imamo više tekstova koji upućuje na pokorničku praksu u Crkvi. Novi zavjet govori o obraćenju, metanoi. Kroz povijest, osobito u počecima Crkve, istakla su se dva oblika pokore: kanonska i tarifna pokora. Glavne oznake kanonske pokore su jednokratnost, težina i izuzetnost, a tarifnu pokoru karakteriziraju penitencijali, knjige kojima se svećenici služe pri određivanju tarife (pokorničkih djela). Malo po malo pokora je dobivala sadašnji oblik i formu, te se naglasak prebacuje sa elementa pokore na element ispovijedanja grijeha. Skolastička misao definirala je odnose među pokornikovim činima, a Trident je definirao katoličku sakramentologiju, a time i sakrament pokore. Neke novosti u obliku liturgijskog slavlja sakramenta donosi Red pokore Pavla VI., ali u bitnom shvaćanju sakramentalnog čina ništa nije promijenjeno. Za Crkvu je važan i nauk o oprostima koji ima svoju povijesnu pozadinu. Podjeljivanje oprosta je praksa koja se temelji na nauku o nužnosti zadovoljštine i solidarnosti po molitvi i djelima pokore. Dokument koji se time podrobnije bavio je Indulgentiarum doctrina Pavla VI. Također je od velike važnosti i Priručnik o oprostima. Zadnje izdanje sažima crkveni nauk o oprostima te donosi sve odredbe i povlastice povezane s ovom crkvenom praksom.
Abstract (english) This graduation thesis presents a historical overview of the penitential discipline starting from its foundation in the Holy Scriptures. In the Old Testament, penance had the purpose of alleviating God's wrath and was often understood formalistically, while in the New Testament, we have several texts that refer to penitential practice in the Church. The New Testament speaks of conversion and metanoia. Throughout history, especially in the beginnings of the Church, two forms of penance stood out: canonical and tariff penance. The main characteristics of canonical penance are one-time application, severity, and exceptionality, while tariff penance is characterized by penitentials - books that priests use when determining the tariff (penitential acts). Little by little, penance took its current shape and form, and the emphasis shifted from the element of penance to the element of confessing sins. Scholastic thought defined the relationships between the penitential acts, while the Council of Trent defined Catholic sacramentology, and thus the sacrament of penance. Some innovations in the form of the liturgical celebration of the sacrament have been introduced by the Order of Penance of Paul VI, but nothing has changed in the essential understanding of the sacramental act. The teaching on indulgences, which has its historical background, is also important for the Church. Granting indulgences is a practice based on the teaching of the necessity of reparation and solidarity through prayer and acts of penance. The document that has dealt with this in more detail is Paul VI's Indulgentiarum Doctrina. The Handbook on Indulgences is also of great importance. The latest edition summarizes the church's teaching on indulgences and brings all the provisions and privileges associated with this Church practice.
kanonska pokora
tarifna pokora
ispovijedanje grijeha
pokornikovi čini
Keywords (english)
canonical penance
tariff penance
confession of sins
penitential acts
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:202:380372
Study programme Title: Philosophical-theological studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/ magistra teologije (magistar/ magistra teologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-07-10 11:45:56