Abstract | Ovaj rad se bavi utjecajem kršćanstva na život i misao francuske filozofkinje Simone Weil. Prvo poglavlje bavi se njezinim životom i djelovanjem, te je podijeljeno na tri dijela. Prvi dio obrađuje vrijeme od rođenja 1909. godine u agnostičkoj obitelji do početka Španjolskog građanskog rata 1936. godine, zatim život od početka Španjolskog građanskog rata do početka Drugog svjetskog rata 1939. godine i na kraju život od početka Drugog svjetskog rata do njezine smrti 1943. godine. Drugo poglavlje se bavi postupnom filozofskom preobrazbom od materijalističko-marksističke faze, u kojoj se bavila isključivo društvenim problemima, bila je uključena u različita djelovanja kao što su štrajkovi, suradnja s različitim ljevičarskim organizacijama i pisanje članaka u marksističkim novinama. U toj stvaralačkoj fazi napisala je jedno od poznatijih svojih djela Sloboda i tlačenje. Drugi dio ovoga poglavlja posvećen je kritici marksizma od kojeg se postupno udaljava došavši do zaključka kako revolucija nije ništa drugo nego opijum za narod. Zadnji dio ovoga poglavlja govori o kršćanskoj fazu njezinog života u kojoj nastaju njezina najljepša djela: Iščekivanje Boga, Ukorijenjenost i Težina i milost. Treće poglavlje ovoga rada obrađuje utjecaj kršćanstva na njezinu filozofiju što je vidljivo u njezinu teološkom govoru o (su)patnje i nemoći, ali i djelovanje na dobrobit drugih. |
Abstract (english) | In the history of human thought, many devoted their lives to others and lived for others. They tried, as much as possible, to bring it down to the level of the smallest, realizing the depth of the suffering and pain of these people. Sympathy for such people was engraved deep in the heart. One of the characteristics of such people is the constant search for the truth that would help them achieve a just society. This group of outstanding individuals certainly includes Simone Weil, who, in her short but fulfilling life showed how to show solidarity with the smallest, the downtrodden, and the oppressed. This work deals with the impact of Christianity on the life and thoughts of French philosopher Simone Weil. The first chapter deals with her life and activity and it is divided into three parts. The first part deals with her early life, from birth in 1909. in agnostic family, to the beginning of the Spanish Civil War in 1936. The second part includes her life from the beginning Spanish Civil War to the beginning of the Second World War in 1939. and the final part deals with her life from the beginning of the Second World War to her death in 1943. The second chapter deals with the progressively philosophical transformation from a materialistic-Marxist phase in which she dealt exclusively with social problems, she was engaged in various activities such as strikes, collaboration with left-wing organizations, and writing articles in Marxist newspapers. In that creative phase, she wrote one of her famous works, Oppression and Liberty. However, after participating in the Spanish civil war and having direct contact with the workers, she became disillusioned with Marxism because she saw that there was a huge gap between Marx's utopia and reality. The second part of this chapter deals with her criticism of Marxism, from which she gradually moves away, concluding that the revolution is nothing but opium for the people. The last part of this chapter talks about the Christian phase of her life, in which her most beautiful works are created: Waiting for God, The Need for Roots, and Weight and Grace. The third, and last chapter of this work deals with the influence of Christianity on her philosophy, which is visible in her theological speech about (co)suffering and weakness, but also working for the welfare of others. |