Abstract | Cilj istraživanja ovog rada bio je procijeniti koncentracije berilija i antimona u biološkim uzorcima seruma, urina i kose te zemlji, vodi, i maslačku na području istočne Hrvatske. Kako bi se utvrdile moguće sličnosti među lokacijama podatci su obrađeni metodom klaster analize. Srednja vrijednost koncentracija berilija u serumu kretala se u rasponu od 0,018 μg/L do 0,035 μg/L, u urinu od 0,0073 μg/L do 0,036 μg/L, u kosi od 0,0005 mg/kg do 0,046 mg/kg, u tlu od 0,027 mg/kg do 0,43 mg/kg, u vodi od 0,0 μg/L do 0,0095 μg/L i u maslačku u rasponu od <0,02 μg/kg do 4,1 μg/kg. Srednja vrijednost koncentracija antimona u serumu kretala se u rasponu od 0,32 μg/L do 1,1 μg/L, u urinu od 0,06 μg/L do 0,08 μg/L, u kosi od 0,01 mg/kg do 0,38 mg/kg, u tlu od 0,025 mg/kg do 0,59 mg/kg, u vodi od 0,0025 μg/L do 0,05 μg/L i u maslačku u rasponu od 3,5 μg/kg do 38,5 μg/kg. S obzirom na to da je istraživanje provedeno na velikom broju uzoraka, rezultati mogu poslužiti kao referentne vrijednosti za koncentracije berilija i antimona u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Rezultati klaster analize nije ukazao na značajne razlike ili grupiranja s obzirom na istraživane lokacije. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this study was to assess the concentrations of beryllium and antimony in biological samples of serum, urine, and hair, as well as soil, water, and dandelions in eastern Croatia. In order to determine possible similarities between the locations, the data were processed using the cluster analysis method. The mean concentration of beryllium in serum ranged from 0.018 μg/L to 0.035 μg/L, in urine from 0.0073 μg/L to 0.036 μg/L, in hair from 0.0005 mg/kg to 0.046 mg/kg. , in soil from 0.027 mg/kg to 0.43 mg/kg, in water from 0.0 μg/L to 0.0095 μg/L and in dandelion ranging from <0.02 μg/kg to 4.1 μg/ kg. The mean value of antimony concentrations in serum ranged from 0.32 μg/L to 1.1 μg/L, in urine from 0.06 μg/L to 0.08 μg/L, in hair from 0.01 mg/ kg to 0.38 mg/kg, in soil from 0.025 mg/kg to 0.59 mg/kg, in water from 0.0025 μg/L to 0.05 μg/L and in dandelion in the range of 3.5 μg/ kg to 38.5 μg/kg. Given that the research was conducted on a large number of samples, the results can serve as reference values for beryllium and antimony concentrations in eastern Croatia. The results of the cluster analysis did not indicate significant differences or groupings with regard to the investigated locations. |