Title Učinci faza menstrualnog ciklusa na trening i sportsku izvedbu kod žena
Title (english) Effects of menstrual cycle phases on training and sports performance in women
Author Anamarija Juračić
Mentor Saša Vuk (mentor)
Committee member Saša Vuk (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Josipa Nakić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Rakovac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-12-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti nalaze studija koje su proučavale učinke različitih faza menstrualnog ciklusa na performanse u treningu i sportsku izvedbu u ženskoj populaciji. Ovaj pregled sadrži općenito opis menstrualnog ciklusa te njegovih faza i fiziološke promjene koje prate pojedinu od tih faza . Analizirana je sportska izvedba i trening kod žena s obzirom na neko liko izdvojenih parametara bitnih za sportašice. Kao što su san, prehrana i ozljede koje prate razne promjene s obzirom na fazu menstrualnog ciklusa. U radu se navode razne hormonalne promjene koje utječu na ženski organizam odnosno organske sustave te se na taj način posljedice održavaju u sportskoj izvedbi . Najveći učinak ogleda se u fluktuaciji hormona estradiola odnosno estrogena te progesterona čija se razina povećava ili smanjuje s obzirom na folikularnu i luteinsku fazu u menstrualnom ciklusu. S obzirom na spoznaje dosadašnjih studija pokazalo se kako je utjecaj kod žena sa eumenorejom vrlo mali, gotovo zanemariv. Također većina je studija proučavala samo jednu fazu menstrualnog ciklusa. Smatra se da je folikularna faza ona u kojoj dolazi do više osjetnih promjena u izvedbi. Često dolazi i do neslaganja između više različitih studija. Nešto zbog lošije i manje kvalitetne provedbe istraživanja, a nešto zbog slabije dostupnih podataka. S obzirom na analizu ovog rada može se reći da još nema konkretnih i čvrstih dokaza koji bi potvrdili pitanje značajnijeg utjecaja faza menstrualnog ciklusa na sportsku izvedbu i trening, no bez obzira na to, a s obzirom da je interes o ovoj temi sve veći, gotovi svi izvori slažu se kako bi svakoj sportašici trebalo pristupiti individualno zbog zavisnosti vrhunskih rezultata i malih nijansa koje mogu presuditi u istom.
Abstract (english) The aim of this work is to investigate the findings of studies that studied the effects of different
phases of the menstrual cycle on training performance and sports performance in the female
population. This overview contains a general description of the menstrual cycle and its phases
and the physiological changes that accompany each of these phases. Sports performance and
training in women were analyzed with regard to several selected parameters important for
female athletes. Such as sleep, diet and injuries that accompany various changes with respect
to the phase of the menstrual cycle. The paper mentions various hormonal changes that affect
the female organism, i.e. organ systems, and in this way the consequences are maintained in
sports performance. The greatest effect is reflected in the fluctuation of the hormones estradiol,
that is, estrogen and progesterone, the number of which increases or decreases with regard to
the follicular and luteal phase in the menstrual cycle. Considering the findings of previous
studies, it has been shown that the impact in women with eumenorrhea is very small, almost
negligible. Also, most studies only looked at one phase of the menstrual cycle. The follicular
phase is considered to be the one where more noticeable changes in performance occur. There
are often disagreements between several different studies. Some of it is due to poorer and lower
quality research implementation, and some of it is due to less available data. Considering the
analysis of this paper, it can be said that there is still no concrete and solid evidence that would
confirm the issue of a significant influence of the phases of the menstrual cycle on sports
performance and training, but regardless of that, and considering that the interest in this topic
is increasing, almost all sources agree that each athlete should be approached individually due
to the dependence of top results and small nuances that can determine the same.
menstrualni ciklus
folikularna faza
lutealna faza
sportska izvedba
Keywords (english)
menstrual cycle
follicular phase
luteal phase
sports performance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:198066
Study programme Title: Specialist graduate professional study for sports coaches education; specializations in: Acrobatic rock and roll, Track-and Field, Fitness, Weightlifting, Sailing, Windsurfing, Judo, Kayaking, Karate, Skating, Physical Conditioning of Athletes, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Volleyball, Dancing, Swimming, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Diving, Handball, Skiing, Artistic Gymnastics, Physical Recreation, Shooting, Teakwondo, Tennis, Rowing Course: Fitness Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra trenerske struke (magistar/magistra trenerske struke)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-24 11:22:29