Title Fiziološko opterećenje profesionalnih plesača narodnih plesova tijekom nastupa
Title (english) Physiological load of professional folk dancers during the performance
Author Snježana Mraković
Mentor Branka Matković (mentor)
Mentor Goran Oreb (mentor)
Committee member Lana Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Prskalo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Furjan-Mandić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-02-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 612 - Physiology 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Narodni plesovi su estetske konvencionalne aktivnosti. Hrvatska folklorna baština izuzetno je bogata, a profesionalni plesni ansambl narodnih plesova svojim repertoarom plesnih koreografija uvelike pridonosi njenom očuvanju. Plesna izvedba koreografija zahtijeva tjelesnu pripremljenost tijekom probi i nastupa. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi fiziološko opterećenje profesionalnih plesača i plesačica narodnih plesova tijekom nastupa. Parcijalni ciljevi bili su utvrditi morfološka obilježja, funkcionalne sposobnosti te razlike u fiziološkom opterećenju tijekom nastupa i funkcionalnim sposobnostima između plesača i plesačica i plesnih postava. Uzorak ispitanika sačinjavalo je 28 profesionalnih plesača (N=13) i plesačica (N=15) narodnih plesova. Morfološka obilježja utvrđena su primjenom četiri antropometrijske mjere, a funkcionalne sposobnosti su određene temeljem parametara dobivenih spiroergometrijskim testiranjem u laboratoriju. Fiziološko opterećenje plesača i plesačica tijekom plesnog nastupa praćeno je mjerenjem frekvencije srca. Za sve varijable izračunati su centralni i disperzivni parametri. Normalnost distribucije varijabli testirana je Kolmogorov-Smirnovljevim testom. Značajnost razlika između skupina ispitanika utvrđena je primjenom univarijantne analize varijance (ANOVA) i Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA-e. Za varijable za koje je analizom varijance utvrđena statistički značajna razlika među skupinama, provedena je post-hoc analiza za međusobnu usporedbu rezultata između skupina. Statistička značajnost razlika između plesača i plesačica u pojedinim plesnim koreografijama testirana je Studentovim t-testom. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata zaključuje se da su profesionalni plesači i plesačice narodnih plesova tijekom nastupa izloženi aktivnostima visokog fiziološkog opterećenja. Prema utvrđenim statistički značajnim razlikama u fiziološkom opterećenju tijekom nastupa između plesača i plesačica niske postave, kao i visoke postave, uočeno je da su plesačice većeg fiziološkog opterećenja od plesača. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u funkcionalnim sposobnostima između plesača i plesačica niske postave te visoke postave. Uočeno je da je aerobni kapacitet članova plesnog ansambla bolji od prosječne populacije, ali lošiji od sportaša. U skladu s utvrđenim visokim intenzitetom aktivnosti te prema vrijednostima pokazatelja funkcionalnih sposobnosti, ukazuje se na potrebu članova plesnog ansambla za dodatnim treningom u cilju poboljšanja razine njihove tjelesne spremnosti. Dobivena saznanja u ovom istraživanju vrlo su značajna u planiranju i programiranju adekvatne tjelesne pripreme plesača i plesačica, što će doprinijeti njihovom boljem funkcionalnom statusu i plesnoj uspješnosti.
Abstract (english) Folk dances are aesthetic conventional activities. Croatian folklore heritage is very rich and the professional ensemble of folk dances with its repertoire contributes to its preservation. Choreographie dance performance requires physical preparedness during rehearsals and performance. The main aim of this research was to determine the physiological load of professional folk dancers during the performance. Partial objectives were to determine the morphological characteristics, functional abilities and differences in physiological load between choreographies, and functional abilities by gender and dance group. The sample of subjects was 28 professional male (N=13) and female (N=15) folk dancers. Morphological characteristics were determined by four anthropometrical measures. Functional abilities were established on the basis of ventilation parameters from the spiroergometry test in the laboratory. The physiological load of dancers during the performance was monitored by the level of heart rate. Central and dispersion parameters were calculated. The normal distribution of variables was tested by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Statistically significant differences between female and male dancers were tested by univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA. The post-hoc analysis for comparison of results between the groups was calculated for the variables in which statistically significant differences between groups were determined through the analysis of variance, The statistical significance of differences between men and women in different dance choreographies was tested with Student's t-test. On the basis of the determined results it is concluded that professional dancers of Croatian folk dances are exposed to physical activities of high physiological workload during the performance. According to the significant differences in physiological load during the performance between male and female groups of dancers, it was observed that female dancers are under greater physiological load when compared to male dancers. Statistically significant differences were determined in functional abilities between male and female groups of dancers. It was observed that aerobic capacity of the members of the folk dance ensemble are better than the average population, but worse in comparison to athletes. In accordance with the established high intensity activity and based on the values of functional abilities parameters, it is suggested that there is a need for folk dancers to engage in appropriate additional training in order to improve their physical fitness. The obtained findings in this research are very important for planning and programming of an adequate physical preparation for dancers, which will contribute to their better functional status and dance performance.
frekvencija srca
znanost u plesu
Keywords (english)
heart rate
dance science
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:877812
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-02-27 14:41:10