Abstract | Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi utjecaj sportskih faktora na konzumaciju supstancija kod adolescenata u dobi od četrnaest (14) do šesnaest (16) godina. Uzorak je sačinjavalo šest stotina i pedeset (650) učenika srednjih škola (SŠ) u Zapadnohercegovačkoj i Hercegovačkoneretvanskoj županiji, Bosna i Hercegovina, od toga tri stotine trideset i sedam (337) djevojčica. Učenici su na početku studije imali četrnaest i pol godina i krenuli su u prvi razred srednje škole. Studija je završena krajem drugoga razreda SŠ (dvadeset mjeseci kasnije te su na kraju studije i ispitanici bili toliko stariji – prosječno šesnaest godina). Ispitanici su u četiri vremenske točke (početak i kraj prvoga te početak i kraj drugoga razreda SŠ) anketirani primjenom zatvorenoga strukturiranoga anonimnoga upitnika. U radu su upotrijebljene varijable prema kojima su ispitanici odgovarali na pitanja o sportskim faktorima, angažiranosti u programima sportske rekreacije, razini tjelesne aktivnosti i konzumaciji cigareta, alkohola i droga. Obradba rezultata uključivala je deskriptivne statističke analize, analize razlika među skupinama i analize povezanosti među varijablama (logistička regresijska analiza uz utvrđivanje omjera izgleda – OR i 95% razine pouzdanosti – 95%CI). Incidencija konzumacije droga bila je vrlo mala (do 2%), što je onemogućilo izračunavanje logističkih analiza za ovaj kriterij. U prvom mjerenju utvrđena je znatna povezanost razine tjelesnoga aktiviteta s konzumacijom cigareta s većom razinom aktiviteta kod nepušača (OR: 0,69, 95%CI: 0,52 – 0,9). Također, veća frekvencija treninga kod sportaša protektivna je u pogledu konzumacije cigareta (OR: 0,73, 95%CI: 0,53 – 0,99). Prestanak bavljenja individualnim sportom prepoznat je kao faktor rizika za pojavu štetne konzumacije alkohola (OR: 2,43, 95%CI: 1,09 – 5.44). U drugom mjerenju potvrđena je važnost razine tjelesnoga aktiviteta kao protektivnoga faktora (OR: 0,62, 95%CI: 0,52 – 0,88), dok se prestanak bavljenja individualnim sportom prepoznaje kao faktor rizika za konzumaciju cigareta (OR: 1,57, 95%CI: 1,03 – 2,38), a aktivno bavljenje timskim sportovima protektivan je faktor u pogledu pušenja (OR: 0,52, 95%CI: 0,29 – 0.91). U trećem mjerenju utvrđena je važnost rekreacijskoga bavljenja sportom u pogledu protektivnoga djelovanja kod konzumacije cigareta (OR: 1,48, 95%CI: 1,14 – 1,90), ali se opet potvrđuje važnost razine tjelesne aktivnosti u tom pogledu (OR: 0,62, 95%CI: 0,47 – 0.82). U dobi od petnaest i pol godina nema znatne povezanosti između sportskih faktora i konzumacije alkohola. U četvrtom mjerenju konačno se potvrđuje važnost razine tjelesnoga aktiviteta kao faktora koji djeluje protektivno u smislu konzumacije cigareta (OR: 0,71, 95%CI: 0,55 – 0,92). Varijable sportskih faktora, tjelesnoga aktiviteta i rekreacijskoga bavljenja sportom nisu znatan faktor utjecaja na početak konzumacije alkohola u razdoblju od četrnaeste do šesnaeste godine. Veća razina bavljenja sportskom rekreacijom potvrdila se kao protektivan faktor u pogledu početka pušenja u analiziranom razdoblju (OR: 1,62, 95%CI: 1,02 – 2,58). U ovoj studiji nisu uočene znatne povezanosti između sportskih faktora i inicijacije u konzumaciji alkohola na razini štetne konzumacije te niti jedan od istraživanih prediktora nije bio znatno povezan s kriterijskom varijablom. Razina tjelesnoga aktiviteta je jedini konzistentan protektivni faktor u pogledu pušenja, a u nekim točkama mjerenja prepoznaje se i važnost sportsko-rekreacijskoga angažman. Odustajanje od sportske aktivnosti (individualni sport) prepoznato je kao potencijalan faktor rizika za pušenje u dobi od četrnaeste do šesnaeste godine. Rezultati pokazuju kako u početku istraživanoga razdoblja postoje određene povezanosti između sportskih faktora i konzumacije alkohola, ali se one gube s odmakom studije. Istraživanje je ukazalo na relativno slab utjecaj sportskih faktora na konzumaciju supstancija, ali i na značenje tjelesnoga aktiviteta, kao i sportsko-rekreacijskih aktivnosti u pogledu prevencije konzumacije cigareta u dobi od četrnaeste do šesnaeste godine. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper was to determine the influence of sports factors on the consumption of substances in adolescents aged fourteen (14) to sixteen (16) years. The sample consisted of six hundred and fifty (650) secondary school students (SSs) in West Herzegovina and Herzegovina- Neretva County, Bosnia and Herzegovina, of which three hundred and thirty-seven (337) girls. At the beginning of the studies, the students had been fourteen and a half years old and went to the first grade of high school. The study was completed at the end of the second grade of SS (twenty months later, and at the end of the study and respondents were so older - an average of sixteen years). Respondents were interviewed in four time points (beginning and end of the first and the beginning and end of the second grade SES) using a closed structured anonymous questionnaire. Various variables were used in this paper, in which respondents responded to questions about sports factors, engagement in sports recreational activities, body activity and consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. The processing of results included descriptive statistical analysis, analysis of group differences and correlation analysis among variables (logistic regression analysis with determination of 95% confidence interval 95% CI). Incidence of drug consumption was very low (up to 2%), which made it impossible to calculate logistic analysis for this criterion. In the first measurement, a significant correlation was found in the level of activity of nonsmokers (OR: 0.69, 95% CI: 0.52 - 0.9). Also, the higher frequency of training in athletes is protective in terms of cigarette consumption (OR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.53-0.99). Detention of individual sport has been identified as a risk factor for the occurrence of harmful alcohol consumption (OR: 2.43, 95% CI: 1.09 - 5.44). In the second measurement, the importance of the body activity level as a protective factor (OR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.52-0.88) was confirmed, while termination of individual sport activity was recognized as a risk factor for cigarette consumption (OR: 1, 57, 95% CI: 1.03-2.38), and active participation in team sports is a protective factor for smoking (OR: 0.52, 95% CI: 0.29 - 0.91). In the third measurement, the importance of recreational sporting activity in terms of protective action in cigarette consumption (OR: 1.48, 95% CI: 1.14-1.90) was established, but again the importance of the level of physical activity in this regard (OR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.47-0.82). At the age of fifteen and a half years there is no significant association between sports factors and alcohol consumption. In the fourth measurement, the importance of the body's activity level as a protective factor in cigarette consumption (OR: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.55-0.92) is finally confirmed. Variants of sports factors, physical activity and recreational sports are not a significant factor influencing the beginning of alcohol consumption in the period between the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. A higher level of sports recreation has been confirmed as a protective factor in smoking startup in the analyzed period (OR 1.62, 95% CI: 1.02-2.58). No significant correlation was found between sports factors and alcohol consumption at the level of harmful consumption, and none of the predicted predictors was significantly associated with the criterion variable. The level of physical activity is the only consistent protective factor in smoking, and in some points of measurement, the importance of sports and recreational engagement is also recognized. Discontinuing from sports activity (individual sport) was recognized as a potential risk factor for smoking between the ages of fourteen and sixteen. The results show that at the beginning of the investigated period there is a certain correlation between sports factors and alcohol consumption, but they are lost with the study break. The research has pointed to the relatively weak influence of sports factors on the consumption of substances, but also on the meaning of physical activity as well as sports and recreational activities in terms of preventing cigarette consumption from the age of fourteen to sixteen. |