Title Utjecaj tjelovježbenih aktivnosti tijekom nastave u učionici na izostanak učenika s nastave
Title (english) Impact of a classroom-based physical activity programme on school attendance
Author Ana Zorić
Mentor Ivan Radman (mentor)
Committee member Danijel Jurakić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Radman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Neljak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Cilj rada bio je istražiti utjecaj svakodnevnih tjelovježbenih aktivnosti u učionici, provedenih s ciljem ostvarivanja aktivne pauze tijekom nastave na broj izostalih nastavnih sati učenika razredne nastave (2. - 4. razred). Ukupno je u istraživanju sudjelovalo 293 učenika iz dvije osnovne škole u dobi 7 - 10 godina. Iz eksperimentalne škole sudjelovali su svi razredni odjeli 2. - 4. razreda (186 učenika), dok su u kontrolnoj školi slučajnim odabirom izabrana od svih razrednih odjela dva razreda (107 učenika). U periodu intervencije učitelji su tijekom redovite nastave Hrvatskog jezika, Engleskog jezika, Prirode i društva te Matematike zaustavili nastavni proces i proveli petominutnu tjelovježbenu aktivnu pauzu uz pomoć multimedijalnih sadržaja. Eksperiment se provodio u drugom obrazovnom razdoblju (veljača – svibanj). Podaci su prikupljeni uvidom u dnevnik učenika, bez uzimanja osobnih podataka i uz dopuštenje ravnatelja. Koristile su se sljedeće varijable: (I) ukupan broj izostanaka tijekom prvog obrazovnog razdoblja, (II) ukupan broj izostanaka tijekom drugog obrazovnog razdoblja, (III) ukupan broj izostanaka tijekom cijele nastavne godine. Univarijantna analiza varijance (ANOVA) korištena je za utvrđivanje razlika u broju izostanaka s nastave između I. i II. obrazovnog razdoblja za kontrolnu i eksperimentalnu skupinu. Analiza kovarijance (ANCOVA) korištena je za utvrđivanje razlika između ukupnog broja izostanaka tijekom II. obrazovnog razdoblja između eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine s ukupnim brojem izostanaka tijekom prvog obrazovnog razdoblja kao kovarijatom. Učenici iz obje skupine značajno su više izostali s nastave u drugom polugodištu (ES 27,12 vs. KS 28,16), međutim učenici eksperimentalne skupine ostvarili su manje povećanje broja izostanaka (ES 6,78 vs. KS 11,31). Nije utvrđena značajna razlika između eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine u broju izostanaka tijekom II. obrazovnog razdoblja (p=0,333). Bez obzira što razlika u izostancima tijekom II. obrazovnog razdoblja nije statistički značajna, učenici eksperimentalne skupine su imali gotovo dvostruko manje povećanje broja izostanaka od kontronlne skupine u odnosu na I. obrazovno razdoblje.
Abstract (english) The aim of the paper was to investigate the impact of daily physical exercise activities in classroom, conducted in order to perform active breaks during classes, on the quantity of absent classes of classroom pupils (2nd to 4th grade). The total of 293 pupils from two primary schools aged 7 - 10 participated in the study. From the experimental school all the pupils from 2nd to 4th grade (186 pupils) took part in the study whereas in the control school two classes from each grade were randomly selected (107 pupils). During the period of intervention, while teaching classes of Croatian, English, Science and Math, teachers would stop the regular teaching process and carry out a five-minute active break with the help of multimedia content. The experiment was conducted in the second educational period (February - May). The data were collected by inspecting the student's grade book without taking their personal data and with the permission of the principal. The following variables were used: (I) the total number of absences during the first education period, (II) the total number of absences during the second educational period, (III) the total number of absences throughout the school year. Univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine differences in the number of absences between educational periods I and II for both the control and experimental group. The covariant analysis (ANCOVA) was used to determine the difference between the total number of absences during the II educational period between the experimental and control group with the total number of absences during the first educational period as a covariate. Pupils from both groups were significantly more absent from classes in the second educational period (ES 27,12 vs. KS 28,16), but the experimental group pupils had less increase in absence (ES 6,78 vs. KS 11,31). There was no significant difference between the experimental and control group in the number of absences during the II educational period (p=0,333). Even though the difference in the absences during the II educational period is not statistically significant, the pupils of the experimental group had double the increase of the number of absences than the contorol group in relation to the I educational period.
izostanci s nastave
tjelesna aktivnost
osnovna škola
Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Solutions by HOPSports®
Keywords (english)
absent classes
physical activity
primary school
Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Solutions by HOPSports®
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:942443
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar / magistra kineziologije (magistar / magistra kineziologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-07-22 10:02:22