Abstract | Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prikazati dosadašnje spoznaje o kontralateralnim trenažnim učincima, objasniti moguće mehanizme i teorije te ih kritički vrednovati s obzirom na spol, vrstu mišićne kontrakcije, dominantnost ekstremiteta, volumen treninga, brzinu kontrakcije, amplitudu pokreta i dr. Poznato je da treniranje jedne strane tijela može dovesti do promjena u jakosti i motoričkoj funkciji netrenirane (kontralateralne) strane tijela. Taj se fenomen naziva cross edukacija. Kroz literaturu ovaj fenomen se pojavljuje i pod pojmovima: „cross-prijenos“ (eng. cross-transfer), „recipročna izmjena“ (eng. cross-over), „kontralateralni trenažni učinci“ (eng. contralateral training effects). Pokušavajući doći do zaključka na koji način dolazi do cross edukacije autori su istraživali reagiranje mišićnog i živčanog sustava. Kroz niz istraživanja koja su provedena autori cross edukaciju pripisuju samo živčanom sustavu, odnosno povećanje jakosti suprotnog netreniranog ekstremiteta nastaje samo zbog promjena u živčanom sustavu premda ni to nisu do kraja razjasnili. Osim jakosti dolazi do pojave cross edukacije i kod motoričkih funkcija, ali radove u tom području puno je teže provesti i kvantitativno interpretirati njihov rezultat. S obzirom na kompleksnost pojma kontralateralnog trenažnog učinka različiti mu autori pristupaju s različitih stajališta kako bi pokušali što je moguće bolje utvrditi odgovarajuće metode koje omogućuju maksimalnu primjenjivost toga fenomena. Pregledom literature ispostavilo se da dolazi do pojave cross edukacije bez obzira na određene karakteristike: dob, spol, dominantnost ekstremiteta, veličine i tipa mišića. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja ne pokazuju velike promjene u jakosti na kontralateralnu ne treniranu stranu da bi ono našlo svoju primjenu kod profesionalnih sportaša ili zdravih osoba. U području rehabilitacije postoji mjesta za primjenu cross edukacije i njena daljnja istraživanja u tome smjeru. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this thesis is to present current knowledge about contralateral training effects explain possible mechanisms and theories and critically evaluate them in terms of gender, type of muscle contraction, dominance of the extremities, training volume, contraction rate, amplitude of movement, etc. It is known that training one side of the body can lead to changes in the strength and motor function of the untrained (contralateral) side of the body. This phenomenon is called cross education. Throughout the literature, this phenomenon also appears under the terms: cross-transfer, cross-over, contralateral training effects. In an attempt to reach a conclusion on how to cross-train, the authors investigated the response of the muscular and nervous systems. Through a series of studies conducted by the authors, cross-education is attributed only to the nervous system, that is, the increase in strength of the opposite untreated extremity is only due to changes in the nervous system, although they have not fully elucidated this. In addition to strength, cross-training also occurs in motor functions, but it is much more difficult to perform work in this field and to interpret their result quantitatively. Given the complexity of the concept of the contralateral training effect, different authors approach it from different points of view to try to identify as best as possible the appropriate methods that allow the maximum applicability of this phenomenon. A review of the literature revealed that cross-training occurred, regardless of certain characteristics: age, gender, limb dominance, muscle size and type. The results of the study do not show major changes in the strength of the contralateral non-trained side to find use in professional athletes or healthy individuals. In the field of rehabilitation, there is room to apply cross-education and further research in this direction. |