Title Obrasci karijere u hrvatskim mladim košarkaškim reprezentacijama
Title (english) Career patterns in Croatian youth basketball national teams
Author Antonio Žulj
Mentor Hrvoje Ajman (mentor)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Kinesiology Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2023-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract U ovom istraživanju su praćeni trendovi i faktori koji utječu na rezultate hrvatske muške seniorske košarkaške reprezentacije, fokusirajući se na identifikaciju i razvoj talenta, ulogu razvojnih programa za mlade i potporu mladim igračima. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su složenost i dinamiku procesa identifikacije i razvoja sportskih talenata, ističući ulogu biološkog sazrijevanja i fenomena relativne dobi te naglašavanje ključnih faktora u izgradnji uspješnih timova i važnost pravilne
... More procjene različitih aspekata igrača u procesu selekcije. Uzorak ovog istraživanja obuhvatio je 189 mladih hrvatskih košarkaških reprezentativaca rođenih između 1992. i 2003. godine, koji su nastupali na velikim natjecanjima u razdoblju od 2008. do 2022. godine. Varijable koje su analizirane u ovom istraživanju su godina rođenja igrača, broj nastupa igrača u mladim reprezentativnim selekcijama (od U16 do U20) te nastupe za seniorsku A-momčad. Istraživanje ukazuje na nekoliko ključnih aspekata u razvoju hrvatskih košarkaša. Pozicija igrača na terenu nije pokazala utjecaj na broj nastupa za seniorsku reprezentaciju, što sugerira nepristranost procesa selekcije i treniranja u pogledu specifične pozicije igrača. Značajan broj igrača, 40,2%, imao je reprezentativne karijere koje su trajale samo godinu dana, što ukazuje na visoku fluktuaciju igrača unutar mlade reprezentacije. Suprotno tome, većina igrača (54%) imala je reprezentativne karijere koje su trajale dvije do tri godine, ukazujući na određenu stabilnost unutar mlade reprezentacije. Karijere koje traju četiri do pet godina bile su iznimno rijetke, što sugerira izazovnost dugoročne prisutnosti u mladoj reprezentaciji. Postoji značajna povezanost između duljine karijere u mladoj reprezentaciji i broja nastupa za seniorsku reprezentaciju - igrači s dugim i srednjim trajanjem reprezentativne karijere u mladoj reprezentaciji ostvarili su više nastupa za seniorsku reprezentaciju. Isto tako, igrači koji su nastupali na oba velika natjecanja (Europsko i Svjetsko prvenstvo) ostvarili su znatno više nastupa za seniorsku reprezentaciju. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na važnost kontinuiteta i konzistentnosti u razvojnoj fazi igrača, te na značaj međunarodnog iskustva na različitim vrstama natjecanja za uspješan prijelaz na seniorsku razinu. Less
Abstract (english) In this research, the trends and factors influencing the results of the Croatian men's senior basketball team were monitored, focusing on the identification and development of talent, the role of youth development programs and support for young players. Previous research has shown the complexity and dynamics of the process of identification and development of sports talents, highlighting the role of biological maturation and the phenomenon of relative age, as well as emphasizing the key
... More factors in building successful teams and the importance of properly assessing different aspects of players in the selection process. The sample of this research included 189 young Croatian basketball national team members born between 1992 and 2003, who played in major competitions in the period from 2008 to 2022. The variables that were analyzed in this research are the player's year of birth, the number of appearances of the player in the youth national teams (from U16 to U20) and appearances for the senior A-team. The research points to several key aspects in the development of Croatian basketball players. The position of the player on the field did not show an impact on the number of appearances for the senior national team, which suggests the impartiality of the selection and coaching process regarding the specific position of the player. A significant number of players, 40.2%, had representative careers that lasted only one year, which indicates a high turnover of players within the young national team. Conversely, the majority of players (54%) had national team careers lasting two to three years, indicating a certain stability within the young national team. Careers lasting four to five years were extremely rare, suggesting the challenge of being a long-term presence in a young national team. There is a significant correlation between the length of the career in the youth national team and the number of appearances for the senior national team - players with a long and medium duration of the national team career in the youth national team made more appearances for the senior national team. Likewise, players who participated in both major competitions (European and World Championships) made significantly more appearances for the senior national team. These results indicate the importance of continuity and consistency in the player's development phase, and the importance of international experience in different types of competitions for a successful transition to the senior level. Less
broj nastupa
košarkaška pozicija
Keywords (english)
basketball position
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:265:514999
Study programme Title: Kinesiology, undergraduate university study programme, Osijek Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kineziologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kineziologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-21 11:24:47