Title Pedagoške prakse u klasičnom baletu: nekoć i danas : završni rad
Title (english) Pedagogical Practices in Classical Ballet: Then and Today : Undergraduate Thesis
Author Lara Sablić
Mentor Ana Penjak (mentor)
Committee member Ana Penjak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mia Perić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Kezić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Kinesiology Split
Defense date and country 2024-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati pedagoške prakse baletnih profesora u klasičnom baletu, a koje se primjenjuju na djecu i adolescente tijekom njihovog baletnog obrazovanja nekoć i danas. Pojam pedagoške prakse podrazumijeva principe učenja i odgoja djece u baletnim školama koji su postali standardni i općeprihvaćeni u kontekstu hrvatskog i svjetskog baleta. Naime, baletom se bavim od svoje 7.godine i iako sam proživjela neke od najljepših trenutaka, ostvarila brojna prijateljstva te plesala u mnogim svjetski poznatim baletnim predstavama, s vremenom sam shvatila koliko negativnih posljedica ova vrsta umjetnosti ima na psihofizičko zdravlje i to sve radi primjenjivanja pogrešnih praksi kojima omalovažavaju i vrijeđaju učenike. Većinom su to stariji profesori također obrazovani autoritarnom stilom koji se prenosi „s koljena na koljeno“ generacijama unatrag. S obzirom na prethodno, smatra se da je takav stil učenja potrebno iskorijeniti s obzirom na ozbiljne posljedice koje može ostaviti na samopoštovanje i realnu sliku o sebi ali i na značajan utjecaj na svakodnevni život, bio poslovni ili socio-emocionalni. Glavna teorija rada jest da zastarjele prakse i autoritarni stil poučavanja ne mare za pojedinca, tj. zanemaruju njegove individualne potrebe i interese. Fokus je isključivo na profesionalnu fizičku spremu i savršenu baletnu tehniku kako bi se predstave mogle izvoditi besprijekorno. Suprotno od toga, moderan pedagoški pristup koji se sve više počinje primjenjivati u baletnim školama omogućava ravnopravniji odnos između učenika i profesora, što djetetu omogućava da se razvija u svom punom kapacitetu i prihvati različitosti između sebe i drugih, a da se, pritom, ne izgubi autoritet i poštovanje profesora. Stoga bi takav pristup trebao biti prioritet svakog baletnog profesora ukoliko je njihov cilj izgraditi plesače koji su tehnički vješti, kreativno izražajni i emocionalno inteligentni, te na kraju uspješno ostvareni u baletu, ali i u drugim životnim granama.
Abstract (english) The aim of this final thesis is to show the pedagogical practices of ballet teachers which are applied to children and adolescents during their ballet education, both in the past and today. The term pedagogical practices include the principles of children's learning in ballet schools that have become standard and accepted within the Croatian and international context. Namely, I have been doing ballet since I was 7 years old, and, although I experienced some of the most beautiful moments, made many friendships and danced in many world-famous ballet performances, over time I realized how many negative consequences this form of art has on psychophysical health and that it all does applying wrong practices that belittle and insult students. Most of them are older professors who were also educated in an authoritarian style because it is passed down from generation to generation. Such a learning style needs to be eradicated because it leaves fatal consequences for self-esteem and a realistic self-image and has a great impact on everyday life, whether it is business or socio-emotional. The main theory of the work is that outdated practices and authoritarian teaching style do not care about each individual and ignore their individual needs and interests. The focus is exclusively on professional physical fitness and perfected ballet technique so that the performances can be performed flawlessly. On the contrary, a modern pedagogical approach enables a more equal relationship between students and professors, enables the child to develop in his full capacity and accept the differences between himself and others without losing authority and respect towards teacher. Therefore, such an approach should be the priority of every ballet teacher if they want to build dancers who are technically skilled, creatively expressive and emotionally intelligent, and ultimately successful in ballet as well as in other areas of life.
klasični balet
pedagoške prakse
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:221:199006
Study programme Title: Stručni prijediplomski studij kineziologije; specializations in: Rekreacija i fitnes Course: Rekreacija i fitnes Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kineziologije (Rekreacija i fitnes) (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kineziologije (Rekreacija i fitnes))
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Created on 2024-09-27 12:29:16