Title Analiza indikatora opterećenja vaterpolista u situacijskim uvjetima s obzirom na različite uloge u igri : doktorska disertacija
Author Mislav Lozovina
Mentor Ratko Katić (mentor)
Mentor Roko Andričević (sumentor)
Committee member Nebojša Zagorac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Rogulj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Roko Andričević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikola Rausavljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mario Jeličić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Kinesiology Split
Defense date and country 2012-05-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology Sports Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Abstract Cilj istraživanja bio je identificirati faktore odgovorne za vrste i količinu opterećenja vaterpolista
u situacijskim uvjetima u igri i izvršiti deskripciju vaterpolo igre u prostoru primijenjenih
indikatora (parametara) opterećenja, kako za cjelokupni uzorak vaterpolista tako i za pojedinu
skupinu određenu pozicijom (ulogom) u igri. Cilj je također bio utvrditi i analizirati razlike
između četiriju različititih uloga u igri te izvršiti diferencijaciju uloga u igri u prostoru
registriranih, konstruiranih i za konačne analize ostavljenih indikatora koji se odnose na broj
akcija, nivo opterećenja i količinu kretanja u horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj fazi igre. U skladu s
ciljem istraživanja na uzorku od 91 vaterpolista s različitim ulogama u igri, notifikacijskom
metodom, na službenim utakmicama Jadranske vaterpolske lige, registrirani su različiti tipovi i
količine kretanja, pri različitim intenzitetima, trajanjima i frekvencijama, kako u horizontalnoj
tako i u vertikalnoj fazi igre. Izračunate su vrijednosti parametara deskriptivne statistike svih
primijenjenih indikatora, izvršena je analiza varijance (ANOVA), a statistička značajnost razlika
između svih parova pozicija utvrđena je Schefféovom post hoc analizom. Primijenjena je
kanonska diskriminativna analiza u manifestnom prostoru indikatora. Izračunata je matrica
interkorelacija indikatora. U cilju utvrđivanja latentne strukture primijenjena je faktorska analiza
pod komponentnim modelom, a konačna faktorska solucija određena je oblimin rotacijom.
Izvršena je kanonska diskriminativna analiza u latentnom prostoru koja je u konačnici rezultirala
diskriminativnom klasifikacijom. U manifestnom prostoru indikatora dobivene su dvije statistički
značajne diskriminativne funkcije. Prva opisuje nadmaksimalno naprezanje igrača izraženo u
frekvencijama i vremenu provedenom u duelima u vertikalnoj fazi igre koje stoje u obratnoj
proporciji s ukupnim vremenom provedenim u igri te frekvencijama i metrima isplivanim leđnom
tehnikom, kraul tehnikom u maksimalnom intenzitetu i prsnom tehnikom u laganom intenzitetu u
horizontalnoj fazi igre. Druga opisuje frekvencije i vrijeme provedeno s nejednakim brojem
igrača, dakle maksimalno opterećenje u vertikalnoj fazi igre i suprotno orijentirana predznaka
frekvencije i metre isplivane leđnom tehnikom što definira lagani intenzitet rada u horizontalnoj
fazi igre. Rezultati kanonske diskriminativne analize ukazuju da su se četiri pozicije reducirale na
tri. Krilo i vanjski napadač međusobno se statistički značajno razlikuju, kao što se i zajedno
statistički značajno razlikuju od centra i beka koji se međusobno statistički značajno razlikuju. U
latentnom prostoru dobiveno je šest faktora. Izračunati su faktorski skorovi svih igrača, a
primijenjeni testovi jednakosti aritmetičkih sredina (F-test) govore da su razlike na skorovima
statistički značajne na prvom, trećem, četvrtom, petom i šestom faktoru. U kanonskoj
diskriminativnoj analizi latentnog prostora dobivena je jedna statistički značajna diskriminativna
funkcija. Diskriminativna funkcija i projekcije centroida grupa ukazuju na evidentne razlike
između centara i bekova u odnosu na krila i vanjske napadače. Krila i vanjski napadači
međusobno se malo razlikuju, a zajedno se razlikuju od centra i beka koji se međusobno
razlikuju. Nadmaksimalno opterećenje u vertikalnoj fazi igre (dueli, broj i trajanje) definiraju
bekove i centre dok submaksimalni i maksimalni intenzitet kraul plivanja u horizontalnoj fazi
definira vanjske napadače i krila. Konačni rezultati diskriminativne analize latentnog prostora
rezultirali su diskriminativnom klasifikacijom gdje su odlično prepoznati centri, dobro bekovi, a
nešto slabije krila i vanjski napadači. Rezultati ovog istraživanja rezultirali su Modelom relacija
opterećenja vaterpolista s različitim ulogama u situacijskim uvjetima utakmice temeljenim na
odabranim indikatorima opterećenja.
Ključne riječi:
Abstract (english) The aim of this research was to identify the factors responsible for the types and quantities of the
load of water polo players in situational conditions of the game, to carry out a description of the
water polo play in the space of the implemented indicators (parameters) of the load for the whole
sample as well as groups specified by their role in the play. Also the aim was to settle and
analyze the differences between four different roles in the game and to accomplish the
differentiation of the roles in the play in the space of the registered, constructed and saved-forfinal-analysis indicators relating to the number of actions, the levels of the load and the
quantities of motions in the horizontal and vertical phases of the game. Various types and
quantities of movements, at various intensities, durations and frequencies, in the horizontal and
vertical phases of the play were registered on the sample of 91 water polo players in different
roles in the game, by means of notification method at the official games of the Adriatic Water
Polo League. For this purpose the statistics of all implemented indicators was calculated,
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed and statistical significance between pairs for all
positions was established by Post Hoc analysis according to Scheffé. Canonical discriminative
analysis was implemented in the manifest space of indicators. For the purposes of identification
of the latent structure the inter correlations matrix of all indicators was calculated. Standard factor
analysis under the component model was performed where the final factor solution was given by
Oblimin rotation. Canonical discriminative analysis in the latent space was implemented, which
finally resulted in discriminative classification. In the manifest indicators space two statistically
significant discriminative functions were assigned. The first describes over maximal load of the
players expressed by frequencies and the time spent in duels in the vertical phase of the game,
which are inversely proportional with the total time spent in the game as well as frequencies and
meters swum in back stroke, crawl technique in maximal intensity and breast stroke technique in
light intensity in the horizontal phase of the game. The second describes frequencies and the time
spent with an unequal number of players, therefore, about maximal load in the vertical phase of
the game and with contrary directed algebraic sign frequencies as well as meters swum in back
stroke technique, which defines light work intensity in the horizontal phase of the game. The
results of canonical discriminative analysis show that the four positions are reduced to three.
There is a statistically significant difference between the wing and the external attacker as well as
between these two and the center forward and the guard, who in turn statistically significantly
differ between themselves. Six factors were obtained in the latent space. Regression scores of all
players on the factors were calculated and the implemented tests of arithmetic means equality
showed that the differences on the scores were statistically significant on the first, third, fourth,
fifth and sixth factors. In the canonical discriminative analysis of the latent space one statistically
significant discriminative function was obtained. Discriminative function and centroids of groups
showed the evident differences between centers forward and guards in relation to wings and
external attackers. Wings and external attackers mutually differ very little, while they
statistically significantly differ from centers forward and guards, who in turn statistically
significantly differ between themselves. Over maximal load in the vertical phase of the game
(duels, number and duration) defines guards and centers forward while the sub maximal and
maximal intensities of crawl swimming in the horizontal phase define wings and external
attackers. The final results of the canonical discriminative analysis of the latent space resulted in
discriminative classification with clearly recognized centers forward, somewhat less distinctly
recognized wings and external attackers and very poorly recognized guards. The results of this
investigation resulted in the Model of mutual relationships of the load of water polo players in
situational conditions of the game based on the chosen indicators of the load.
indikatori opterećenja
diskriminativna analiza
Keywords (english)
water polo
indicators of the load
discriminative analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:221:907339
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: University postgraduate doctoral study of Kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 152 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-05-19 11:15:51