Abstract | Nogomet je globalno najrašireniji sport te broji milijune obožavatelja diljem zemaljske
kugle. Pripada u grupu kompleksnih polistrukturalnih sportova. Uspjeh u nogometu ovisi o nizu
dimenzija među kojima se najviše ističu antropometrijske, funkcionalne te motoričke
sposobnosti, konativne i kognitivne dimenzije, te specifične motoričke strukture poput
usvajanja motoričkih informacija te trenažni procesi obuhvaćanja i usavršavanja motoričkih
struktura. Nogomet se sastoji od eksplozivnih pokreta poput sprinteva, skokova i udaraca a
nogometaši tijekom jedne utakmice prelaze udaljenosti nerijetko i veće od 10 kilometara.
Nogometaši tijekom nogometne utakmice u prosjeku svakih 5-6 sekundi mijenjaju aktivnost,
imaju kratke odmore prosječno svega 3 sekunde svake 2. minute, dok svakih devedesetak
sekundi sprintaju 15 metara. Nogomet se igra nogometnom loptom na pravokutnom igralištu
gdje uzdužna linija mora biti dulja od poprečne linije. U pravilnicima se mogu pronaći
raznorazne teorije vezane za same mjere terena, međutim mi se zadržimo kod onih najčešćih
gdje bi dužina igrališta bila od 90m do 100m a širina od 45m do 55m. Nogometno igralište je
prekriveno u većini slučajeva u potpunosti prirodnom travom. Isto tako može biti slučajeva
odigravanja utakmica na potpuno umjetnoj travi ili na kombinaciji umjetnih i prirodnih
materijala (hibridni sustav). Cilj nogometne igre je ubaciti loptu u protivnički gol bilo kojim
dijelom tijela osim rukom, samo je golmanu dozvoljena igra rukama. Suvremena nogometna
igra razvila se u Engleskoj. Nogomet se od davnina igrao i u Hrvatskoj. „Prve nogometne
utakmice tada još zapravo utakmice footballa u kojima je sudjelovao i domaći puk odigrane su
u Hrvatskoj g. 1880. Županji, u Slavoniji, jedva 50 km cestom od Strizivojne, igralo ih je
navodno devet gastarbajtera Engleza iz The Oak Extract Company Ltd. i nešto domaćih
mladića“ (Marković, I., 2012, 307). Velika je važnost pliometrije u nogometu bila i tad,
međutim tada nije bila opće poznat pojam te joj se zbog neznanja nije pridodavala velika
važnost. Današnji nogomet, u današnjim uvjetima, gdje su igrači i više nego spremni se ne može
ni zamisliti bez pliometrijskih vježbi i sadržaja. |
Abstract (english) | Football is the most widespread sport globally and has millions of fans around the globe.
It belongs to the group of complex polystructural sports. Success in football depends on a
number of dimensions, among which the most prominent are anthropometric, functional and
motor abilities, conative and cognitive dimensions, and specific motor structures such as the
acquisition of motor information and training processes of comprehension and improvement of
motor structures. Football consists of explosive movements such as sprints, jumps and kicks,
and footballers often cover distances of more than 10 kilometers during one game. Footballers
change their activity on average every 5-6 seconds during a football match, they have short
breaks on average only 3 seconds every 2 minutes, while they sprint 15 meters every ninety
seconds. Football is played with a soccer ball on a rectangular field where the longitudinal line
must be longer than the transverse line. In the regulations, you can find various theories related
to the measures of the terrain, but we stick to the most common ones where the length of the
playground would be from 90m to 100m and the width from 45m to 55m. The football field is
in most cases covered with completely natural grass. There may also be cases of playing
matches on completely artificial grass or on a combination of artificial and natural materials
(hybrid system). The goal of a football game is to throw the ball into the opponent's goal with
any part of the body except the hand, only the goalkeeper is allowed to play with his hands. The
modern football game developed in England. Football has been played in Croatia since ancient
times. "The first football matches at that time were actually football matches in which the local
regiment also took part in Croatia in 1880. In Županja, Slavonia, barely 50 km by road from
Strizivojna, they were allegedly played by nine English guest workers from The Oak Extract
Company Ltd. and some local young men ”(Marković, I., 2012, 307). The great importance of
plyometrics in football was even then, but at that time it was not a well-known term and due to
ignorance it was not given much importance. Today's football, in today's conditions, where the
players are more than ready, cannot be imagined without plyometric exercises and content. |