Title Teorijske osnove i pristupi u QSAR modeliranju : diplomski rad
Title (english) Theoretical basis and approaches in QSAR modeling : master's thesis
Author Valentin Vučković
Mentor Marica Medić-Šarić (mentor)
Committee member Darko Modun (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Mudnić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marica Medić-Šarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Chemistry and Technology (Division of Chemistry) Split
Defense date and country 2016-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Pharmacy
Abstract QSAR je jedna od najpopularnijih metoda kojom se farmaceutska industrija danas služi u pronalasku
novih ljekovitih tvari i njihovoj optimizaciji. Primarna svrha te metode je određivanje povezanosti kemijske
strukture niza spojeva i određenog kemijskog ili biološkog procesa. Cilj ovog rada je bio prikazati temeljne
pristupe kojima se farmaceutska industrija danas služi u postupku dizajniranja novih lijekova te dati uvid u
njihove osnovne značajke, a poseban naglasak bio je stavljen na QSAR pristup, topološke indekse i njihovu
važnost u modeliranju novog lijeka. Unutar metode QSAR postoje brojni pristupi (npr. molekularni deskriptori)
kojima se pojedina molekula može okarakterizirati. Jedan od najvažnijih molekularnih deskriptora u metodi
QSAR je koeficijent razdjeljenja između oktan-1-ola i vode (fosfatni pufer, pH = 7,4), logP. Numerički indeks
koji karakterizira molekulu naziva se topološki indeks. On numerički izražava topološku informaciju za određeni
spoj koja nam daje naznake o veličini i obliku, tj. prirodi kemijske strukture. Do danas je poznat čitav niz
topoloških indeksa kojima se znanstvenici svakodnevno koriste, ali smo se u ovom radu posvetili osnovnim,
dobro poznatim indeksima koji vrlo dobro opisuju strukturu molekule. To su: Wienerov broj, Randićev indeks,
Balabanov indeks, Trinajstićev broj i informacijsko-teorijski indeks. Najsuvremeniji pristup u dizajniranju
lijekova je metoda molekularnog modeliranja. Ta metoda podrazumijeva dizajniranje lijekova pomoću računala,
CADD (engl. Computer-Aided Drug Design). U ovom smo radu dobivene vrijednosti topoloških indeksa
korelirali sa fizičko-kemijskim svojstvima serije spojeva iz skupine sulfonamida te smo uočili određene
povezanosti. Vrijednost Wienerovog broja, Randićevog indeksa, Balabanova i informacijsko-teorijskog indeksa
pokazuju linearnu ovisnost s brojem vrhova molekule i molekulskom masom. Primjenom QSAR metode u
postupku dizajniranja lijekova uvelike se unapređuje proces dizajna te omogućuje identifikacija odgovarajuće
molekule prije njezine sinteze.
Abstract (english) QSAR is one of the most popular methods that pharmaceutical industry uses nowadays to find new
therapeutic agents and in their optimisation. The primary purpose of this method is to determine the correlation
of chemical structure of the series of compounds and a specific chemical or biological process. The aim of this
study was to show the basic approaches that pharmaceutical industry uses nowadays in the design of new drugs
and to give insight into their basic features. A special emphasis was put on the QSAR approach, the topological
indices and their importance in the modeling of a new drug. Within the QSAR method there are numerous
approaches (e.g. molecular descriptors) that individual molecules can be characterised with. One of most
important molecular descriptors in the QSAR method is the partition coefficient between octan-1-ol and water
(phosphate-buffer, pH = 7,4), logP. The numerical index that characterises molecules is called topological index.
It numerically expresses the topological information for the compound, which gives some indication of its size
and shape, i.e. the nature of the chemical structure. To date, a whole range of topological indices that scientists
use on a daily basis is known, but in this work we are dedicated to basic, well-known indices that very well
describe the structure of molecules. These are: Wiener's number, Randic's index, Balaban's index, Trinajstic's
number and information-theoretical index. The most modern approach to drug design is the method of molecular
modeling. This method involves drug design using computer, CADD (engl. Computer-Aided Drug Design). :
The obtained values of topological indices were compared to the physico-chemical properties of series of
compounds from the group of sulfonamides and we noticed some connections. The values of Wiener's number,
Randić's, Balaban's and information-theoretical indices are proportional to the number of peaks of molecules and
to the molecular weight. The application of the QSAR method in the drug design process has greatly improved
the design process itself and has enabled identification of an appropriate molecule before its synthesis.
molekularno modeliranje
topološki indeksi
dizajn lijekova
Keywords (english)
molecular modeling
topological indices
drug design
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:167:334122
Study programme Title: Pharmacy Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra farmacije (magistar/magistra farmacije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-11-24 11:24:43