Title Aditivi u hrani : završni rad
Title (english) Food aditives : bachelor thesis
Author Anita Pitarević
Mentor Josipa Giljanović (mentor)
Committee member Ante Prkić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zvonimir Marijanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josipa Giljanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Chemistry and Technology (Division of Engineering and Chemistry) Split
Defense date and country 2020-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Chemistry
Abstract Prehrambeni aditivi su tvari poznatog sastava, nisu hrana, već se dodaju namirnicama tijekom proizvodnje, transporta, oblikovanja, prerade i čuvanja hrane. Dodavanjem aditiva u hrani postiže se ujednačenost kvalitete proizvoda, produžuje se rok trajanja hrane tako što se sprječava kvarenje hrane. Prema porijeklu aditivi se dijele na aditive prirodnog porijekla i umjetne (sintetizirane) aditive. Prema funkcionalnosti, aditivi se dijele u 26 različitih kategorija koje su opisane u ovome radu. Kako bi se određeni aditiv svrstao na listu aditiva, potrebno je utvrditi potencijalni štetni učinak i podvrgnuti ih toksikološkoj provjeri. Da bi se potrošač direktno informirao o hrani koju kupuje i aditivima koji su joj dodani, uveden je E- sistem označavanja aditiva. Spomenutim sistemom svaki aditiv je označen s njemu pripadajućim brojem. Uporaba aditiva u Republici Hrvatskoj zakonski je regulirana Pravilnikom o prehrambenim aditivima NN 62/2010 s izmjenama i dopunama Pravilnika NN 62/2011, 135/2011 i 79/2012 te Zakonom o prehrambenim aditivima, aromama i prehrambenim enzimima NN 39/2013 s izmjenama Zakona NN 114/2018. Ako prehrambeni proizvod sadrži aditiv koji nije propisan pravilnikom ili se utvrdi veća količina aditiva, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede obavještava potrošača te sukladno tome slijedi povlačenje i/ili opoziv proizvoda s tržišta. Uporaba aditiva te primjena zakona u vidu opoziva proizvoda prikazana je na konkretnom primjeru hrenovki. U sklopu završnog rada obavljena je i anketa pod nazivom „Istraživanje poznavanja prehrambenih aditiva u općoj populaciji u Republici Hrvatskoj“ kako bi se dao uvid poznavanja samog pojma ''prehrambeni aditivi'' te kakav je stav ispitanika pri kupnji prehrambenih proizvoda koji sadrže aditive.
Abstract (english) Food additives are substances of known composition, they are not food, but are added to foods during the production, transport, shaping, processing and storage of food. The addition of food additives achieves uniformity of product quality, prolongs the shelf life of food by preventing food spoilage. According to the origin, additives are divided into additives of natural origin and artificial (synthesized) additives. According to functionality, additives are divided into 26 different categories that are described in this paper. In order for a particular additive to be included in the list of additives, it is necessary to determine the potential adverse effects and subject them to toxicological testing. In order for the consumer to be directly informed about the food he buys and the additives added to it, an E-labeling system for additives has been introduced. With the mentioned system, each additive is marked with its corresponding number. The use of additives in the Republic of Croatia is legally regulated by the Ordinance on food additives OG 62/2010 with amendments to the Ordinance OG 62/2011, 135/2011 and 79/2012 and the Act on food additives, flavorings and food enzymes OG 39/2013 with amendments to the Act NN 114/2018. If the food product contains an additive that is not prescribed by the ordinance or a larger amount of additive is determined, the Ministry of Agriculture informs the consumer, and accordingly the withdrawal and/or recall of the product from the market follows. As part of the final work, a survey entitled "Research on the knowledge of food additives in the general population in the Republic of Croatia" was conducted to provide insight into the knowledge of the term "food additives" and what is the attitude of respondents when buying food products containing additives.
prehrambeni aditiv
podjela aditiva
zakonske regulative
Keywords (english)
food additives
division of additives
legal regulations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:167:802125
Study programme Title: Food technology - undergraduate - university Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) inženjer prehrambene tehnologije (sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) inženjer prehrambene tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-11 06:47:18