Title Zapadna civilizacija i znanost
Title (english) Western Civilization and Science
Author Josip Dukovac
Mentor Željko Pavić (mentor)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Departement of Culturology (Chair in cultural management) Osijek
Defense date and country 2016-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Svaka je civilizacija kroz godine svoga postojanja doživjela određena razdoblja dominacije i rasta, ali i stagnacije te čak propadanja. Razloga tome ima mnogo, ali jedno je sigurno, a to je kako bez obzira o kojoj se civilizacija radi svaka je na kraju, na svoj jedinstven način, utjecala na svijet oko sebe. Često se za zapadnu civilizaciju kaže kako je ona dominantna. Iako danas Europa glasi kao jedna od najstabilnijih i uspješnijih područja na svijetu, stvari nisu oduvijek tako izgledale.
... More Štoviše, i zapadna je civilizacija okusila razdoblja potpunog kaosa, siromaštva, bolesti, ratova i ostalih čimbenika koji su mogli dovesti do njenoga uništenja. Bez obzira na sve ona je uvijek ostala stajati na svojim nogama te nikad u potpunosti nije dozvolila pad pod nečiji utjecaj.
Zbog toga je zanimljivo promatrati događanja u Europi nakon slabljenja utjecaja Antičke Grčke, a pogotovo nakon podjele i sloma Rimskog Carstva. Upravo će te 395. godine doći do formalne podjele Rimskog Carstva na istočni i zapadni dio. U tome razdoblju Europa će prolaziti kroz teško društveno, političko i gospodarsko stanje, a stalni prodori barbarskih naroda neće pripomoći u smirivanju situacije. Tako će za to vrijeme Islamska civilizacija doživjeti svoj procvat osobito u znanosti, ali i u nekim drugim područjima.
Pojavom Turaka, egzistencija Europljana bila je opasno ugrožena, a da je opsada Beča uspjela, svijet kakav ga danas poznajemo možda ne bi bio isti. Međutim dominacijom vojne sile Europe, uloge se mijenju pa tako zapadna civilizacija ponovno uzima zamah u svim segmentima. Dolazi do pojave tiska, utjecaj znanosti u vojsci stvara nova i poboljšana oružja, organiziraju se prekooceanske ekspedicije te dolazi do otkrivanja novih svijetova, a znanstvena revolucija donosi nova poimanja svijeta.
Stoga je područje Europe, odnosno zapadne civilizacije, od iznimne važnosti te ju je najzanimljivije promatrati sa znanstvenog stajališta jer će se ispostaviti kako je znanost ta koja pokreće određenu civilizaciju. Less
Abstract (english) Every civilization thru years of its existence had experienced certain periods od domination and growth but also stagnation and even collapse. The reasons fot that are plenty, but one is certainly, no matter of wich civilization is word about, at the end, everyone on their unique way, influenced on the world around them. West civilization is often presented as the dominant one. Although Europe is today classified as one of the most stable and succesfull areas on Earth, things didn't look
... More like that always. Moreover, even Western civilization experienced the periods of chaos, poverty, disease, war and other factors that could lead to its destruction. No matter what, Western civilization always remained on her feet and did never fully let fall under someone's influence.
Therefore, it is interesting to observe events in Europe after the weakening of the influence of ancient Greece, and especially after the split and collapse of the Roman Empire. Just in year 395, the formal breakdown of the Roman Empire, on its eastern and western part, will happen. During that period, Europe will go through difficult social, political and economic situation, and constant incursions of Barbarians will not assist in calming the situation. Thus, during that time, Islamic civilization will experience a boom especially in science, but also in some other areas.
With the advent of Turks, Europeans existence was being threatened, and if the siege of Vienna succeeded, the world as we know today may not be the same. Because of the domination of the military forces in Europe, the roles changed so Western civilization again gained momentum in all segments. It comes to the appearance of the press, the impact of science in the army creates a new and improved weapons, organized overseas expeditions results in discovering new worlds, and scientific revolution brings a new understanding of the world.
Therefore, the area of Europe, or Western civilization is of exceptional importance and it is interesting to observe the scientific point of view because it will turn out that the science is the one who initiates specific civilization. Less
znanstvena revolucija
Keywords (english)
the scientific revolution
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:156:065639
Study programme Title: University undergraduate interdisciplinary study program in cultural studies; specializations in: Cultural Management, Media Culture, Librarian Science Course: Cultural Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvo- stupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kulturologije uz naznaku smjera (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvo- stupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kulturologije uz naznaku smjera)
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Created on 2018-02-07 11:31:52