Title Žene u znanosti
Title (english) Women in Science
Author Doris Pribanić
Mentor Željko Pavić (mentor)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Departement of Culturology (Chair in cultural management) Osijek
Defense date and country 2016-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology Specific Sociologies
Abstract Položaj žena kroz povijest uvelike se promijenio. Prije je vladalo mišljenje da je ženino mjesto u kući, a posao briga za dom i obitelj, nisu imale pravo glasa niti učestvovale u važnim stvarima. Naravno, uvijek bi se našli poneki izuzeci, gdje su žene preuzimale i mušku ulogu, ali većinom bi u tim slučajevima bile osuđivane. Početkom industrijske revolucije, situacija se počela mijenjati te su žene počele raditi poslove koje nisu bile direktno vezani za kućanstvo. Žene radnice, odlučile su se
... More izboriti za bolje radne uvjete, veću plaću i pravo glasa. Pobuna je rezultirala protestom 8. ožujka ne tako davne 1857. godine. Danas na taj datum obilježavamo Međunarodni dan žena, prisjećamo se njihove dugogodišnje borbe za osmosatno radno vrijeme i bolje radne uvjete.
Bolji uvjeti i pravo glasa utjecali su pozitivno na žene te sve veći broj veću pažnju posvećuje obrazovanju. Žene su više prisutne u znanosti, osvajaju prestižne nagrade za svoj rad te pronalaze izvanredna otkrića. Unatoč činjenici da se u Hrvatskoj ženina uloga još uvijek gleda na tradicionalan način, sve više možemo čuti o ženama znanstvenicama. Danas žene čine trećinu radne snage i još uvijek su podcijenjene u poslu. Razlikuje se položaj žena ovisno o području gdje su rođene. U nekim državama na Istoku ženama je još uvijek uskraćena prava obrazovanja, glasa i slobodne volje, dok su na Zapadu ravnopravne muškarcima. Razna istraživanja potvrđuju da se žene sve više zapošljavaju na važnijim poslovima, ali na pozicijama nadređenih češće se susreću muškarci.
Pojam „Stakleni strop“ govori o sprečavanju napredovanja žena na više hijerarhijske razine na radnim mjestima. Neki od razloga zašto je to tako su nerazumijevanje ženinih potreba, diskriminacija spolova, nemogućnost shvaćanja da žena može biti nadređena muškarcu i drugi.
Kako bi se žene potaknulo da se više bave znanošću, L'Oreal i UNESCO osmislili su program stipendiranja pod nazivom „Za žene u znanosti“. Od 1998., svake godine provode natječaj na nacionalnoj, a zatim i internacionalnoj razini te dijele nagrade istaknutim mladim znanstvenicama. Na taj način, osim što se potiče afirmiranje znanstvenica, mijenja se i predodžba o ulozi žene u društvu i znanosti. Less
Abstract (english) The position of women in history is greatly changed. Before there was a opinion that the woman's place is at home, and that their job is caring for home and family, they had no right to vote nor participate in important matters. Of course, there were some exceptions, where women took over the male role, but most of them would in these cases been convicted. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, the situation began to change, and women started to do jobs that were not directly related
... More to the household. Women workers, decided to fight for better working conditions, higher pay and the right to vote. The rebellion resulted in protests from March 8 in not so far 1857. Today, on that date we celebrate International Women's Day, and we reminde our selfs of their long struggle for new eight hours work time and better working conditions.
Better conditions and the right to vote impacted positively on women which increased level of attention to education. Women are nowdays more present in science, they are winning prestigious awards for their work and for extraordinary discoveries. Despite the fact that the woman's role in Croatia is still in the traditional way, more and more we hear about women scientists. Today, women make up a third of the workforce and are still undervalued in business. The status of women differs depending on the area where they were born. In some states in the East, women are still denied the rights of education, voting and free will, while in the West there are equal to men. Various studies confirm that women are increasingly employed for important jobs, but the superiors positions often take men.
The term "Glass ceiling" taks about the progression of women in the more hierarchical levels in the workplace. Some of the reasons, are lack of understanding of women's needs, gender discrimination, lack of understanding that a woman can be a superior to man and others.
In order to encourage women to be more involved in science, L'Oreal and UNESCO have created a scholarship program called "For Women in Science". Since 1998, every year they conduct a competition at national and on international level and share awards to outstanding young scientists. In this way, except that it encourage the affirmation of scientists, it is also changing the image and the role of women in society and science. Less
stakleni strop
Međunarodni dan žena
Keywords (english)
"Glass ceiling"
International Women's Day
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:156:253107
Study programme Title: University undergraduate interdisciplinary study program in cultural studies; specializations in: Cultural Management, Media Culture, Librarian Science Course: Cultural Management Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvo- stupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kulturologije uz naznaku smjera (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvo- stupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kulturologije uz naznaku smjera)
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Created on 2018-02-08 10:29:50