Abstract | U ovom radu analizirani su uzorci tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda s obiteljskih
poljoprivrednih gospodarstava i tržnica iz tri proizvodna područja: Istra i Dalmacija, Središnja
Hrvatska te Istočna Hrvatska. Cilj istraživanja bio je eksperimentalno odrediti i usporediti
udio soli u trajnim kobasicama, trajnim i polutrajnim suhomesnatim proizvodima te slaninama
s preporučenim dnevnim unosom soli i prehrambenim navikama stanovništva Republike
Hrvatske. U Laboratorij za analitičku kemiju Hrvatskog veterinarskog instituta, dostavljeno je
115 uzorka mesnih proizvoda. Nakon homogenizacije, metodom po Mohru, u uzorcima je
određen maseni udio soli (%). Rezultati analize proizvoda pokazali su najveći udio soli u
suhomesnatim proizvodima (6,16±0,68%), zatim u slanini (5,30±0,71%), te najmanji u
trajnim kobasicama (4,20±0,60%). Statistički značajna razlika u udjelu soli nije utvrđena (p >
0,05) između domaće kobasice i kulena, iako je udio soli bio veći u kulenu. Analizom trajnih i
polutrajnih suhomesnatih proizvoda utvrđen je statistički značajno (p < 0,05) veći udio soli u
suhoj šunki i pršutu u odnosu na suhu vratinu, lopaticu i svinjsku pečenicu te dimljenu vratinu. U kategoriji slanina, između slanine, špeka i pancete nije određena statistički
značajna razlika, a najveći maseni udio soli sadržavala je panceta. Maseni udjeli soli s
obzirom na vrstu mesnog proizvoda, te u ovisnosti o proizvodnom području Hrvatske,
statistički se značajno nisu razlikovali, što ukazuje na sličnost primijenjene recepture
proizvođača i načina obrade tradicionalnih mesnih proizvoda. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju
ranije spoznaje da tradicionalni mesni proizvodi predstavljaju značajan izvor soli, te stoga, u
cilju očuvanja ljudskog zdravlja, trebaju biti umjereno zastupljeni u ljudskoj prehrani. |
Abstract (english) | In this investigation, samples of traditional meat products from family farms and
markets, produced in three production areas: Istra and Dalmatia, Middle Croatia and East
Croatia, have been analysed. The aim of this study was to experimentally determine and
compare the portion of salt in fermented sausages, dry and semi-dry cured meat products as
well as in bacon, with recommended salt daily uptake and dietary habits of Croatian
population. 115 samples of meat products have been delivered to Laboratory for Analitical
Chemistry of the Croatian Veterinary Institute. After homogenisation, the mass portion of salt
was determined in samples by implementation of Mohr's method. Results of the analysed
products have shown that the highest mass portion of salt was obtained in the cured meat
products (6.16±0.68%), followed by bacon (5.30±0.71%), and the smallest one in the
fermented sausages (4.20±0.60%). There was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05)
between homemade sausage (4.14±0.57%) and kulen (4.37±0.68%), although the mass
portion of salt was higher in kulen. Dry and semi-dry cured meat products' analyses confirmed
statistically significantly (p < 0.05) higher salt portion in dry ham and prosciutto in relation to
dry neck, dry shoulders, pork loin and smoked pork neck. In cathegory of bacon, the highest
mass portion of salt was obtained in pancetta although among bacon, špek and pancetta no
statistically significant difference has been determined. Mass portions of salt, regarding to
meat product type and in dependence on production area, weren't statistically significantly
different, which indicates the similarity of recipes and handling methods in production of
these traditional meat products. Research results confirm the early findings showing that
traditional meat products represent a significant source of salt, and therefore, towards the
protection of human health, they should be moderately present in human nutrition. |