Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons
PLOS Pathogens, 11 (2015), 4; e1004774.

Bradford, Russell; Yoo, Young-Gun; Golemac, Mijo; Pugel Pernjak, Ester; Jonjić, Stipan; Britt, William J.

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Bradford, R., Yoo, Y. G., Golemac, M., Pugel Pernjak, E., Jonjić, S. & Britt, W. J. (2015). Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons. PLOS Pathogens, 11. (4). doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004774

Bradford, Russell, et al. "Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons." PLOS Pathogens, vol. 11, no. 4, 2015.

Bradford, Russell, Young Gun Yoo, Mijo Golemac, Ester Pugel Pernjak, Stipan Jonjić and William J. Britt. "Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons." PLOS Pathogens 11, no. 4 (2015).

Bradford, R., et al. (2015) 'Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons', PLOS Pathogens, 11(4). doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004774

Bradford R, Yoo YG, Golemac M, Pugel Pernjak E, Jonjić S, Britt WJ. Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons. PLOS Pathogens [Internet]. 2015 April 13 [cited 2024 September 01];11(4). doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004774

R. Bradford, Y. G. Yoo, M. Golemac, E. Pugel Pernjak, S. Jonjić and W. J. Britt, "Murine CMV-Induced Hearing Loss Is Associated with Inner Ear Inflammation and Loss of Spiral Ganglia Neurons", PLOS Pathogens, vol. 11, no. 4, April 2015. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 01 September 2024]