Title Liječenje kardiovaskularnih bolesti u obiteljskoj medicini
Title (english) Treatment of cardiovascular diseases in family medicine
Author Erik Lacman
Mentor Aleksandar Ljubotina (mentor)
Committee member Leonardo Bukmir (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ines Diminić-Lisica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branislava Popović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Family Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Family Medicine
Abstract Kardiovaskularne bolesti vodeći su uzrok smrti i pobola diljem svijeta i samim time predstavljaju jedan od najvećih javnozdravstvenih problema današnjice. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija procjenjuje da svake godine 17,7 milijuna ljudi umre od posljedica neke kardiovaskularne bolesti, a 80% njih koje su uzrokovale smrt otpada na infarkt miokarda i moždani udar. U Republici Hrvatskoj 2016. godine udio umrlih od posljedica kardiovaskularnih bolesti iznosi 45%.
Prevencija kardiovaskularnih bolesti najbolja je mjera koju možemo poduzeti kako bismo spriječili nastanak bilo koje bolesti iz te skupine. Prevenciju dijelimo na tri razine: primarnu, sekundarnu i tercijarnu, a strategije kojima se prevencija provodi mogu biti populacijske i individualne. Rizični čimbenici koji pridonose nastanku kardiovaskularnih bolesti su brojni, a najznačajniji su: arterijska hipertenzija, pušenje i dislipidemija.
Liječnici obiteljske medicine imaju bitnu ulogu u liječenju kardiovaskularnih bolesti. U sklopu primarne zdravstvene zaštite prvi imaju mogućnost i obvezu prepoznati pacijente koji su pod povećanim rizikom od nastanka neke kardiovaskularne bolesti. Tim pacijentima procjenjuju kardiovaskularni rizik uporabom SCORE tablica, a s obzirom na rezultate ordiniraju daljnju terapiju i/ili dijagnostičke postupke te kontinuirano prate i potiču pacijente u postizanju zadanog cilja. Liječenje kardiovaskularnih bolesti u ordinaciji obiteljske medicine svodi se na učinkovitu prevenciju i kontrolu vrijednosti rizičnih čimbenika. Liječnik obiteljske medicine može imati utjecaj na liječenje i kontrolu: arterijske hipertenzije, dislipidemije, navike pušenja, životnog stila, pretilosti i metaboličkog sindroma, dijabetesa te pojedinih psihičkih poremećaja. Mogućnosti liječenja i kontrole istih opisane su u tekstu
Abstract (english) Cardiovascular diseases are the main causes of death and morbidity around the world and therefore are one of the biggest public health problems today. The World Health Organization estimates that 17.7 million people die from the effects of cardiovascular diseases every year and that 80% of those who have died due to this, died mostly of myocardial infarction and stroke. In the Republic of Croatia in 2016, the proportion of cardiovascular deaths is 45%.
Prevention of cardiovascular disease is the best measure we can take to prevent the onset of any disease in this group. Prevention is divided into three levels: primary, secondary and tertiary, and strategies of prevention can be on the whole population or individual. Risk factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases are numerous, and the most significant are: arterial hypertension, smoking and dyslipidemia.
General practitioners play an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. As part of the primary health care, they are the first who have the ability and obligation to identify patients with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. To these patients, cardiovascular risk is accessed by using the SCORE table, and with the results given the further therapy and / or diagnostic procedures are determined. Continuous monitoring and encouraging of these patients further helps us to achieve the desired goal.
Treatment of cardiovascular diseases as a part of general practice, involves effective prevention and control of the risk factors. A general practitioner can have an impact on treatment and control of: hypertension, dyslipidemia, smoking habits, lifestyle, obesity and metabolic syndrome, diabetes and some psychiatric disorders. The possibilities for their treatment and control are described in the text.
Kardiovaskularne bolesti
Kardiovaskularni rizik
Čimbenici rizika
Liječnik obiteljske medicine
Obiteljska medicina
Keywords (english)
Cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular risk
Risk factors
General practitioner
General practice
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:433550
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-11-15 16:35:37