Author Ivana Mrđen
Mentor Mirjana Graovac (mentor)
Committee member Ana Kaštelan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daniela Petrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Grković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract Granični poremećaj ličnosti jest duševni poremećaj obilježen neadekvatnom regulacijom emocija, impulzivnošću, rizičnim ponašanjem, razdražljivošću, osjećajem praznine, samoozljeđivanjem i strahom od napuštanja, kao i nestabilnim međuljudskim odnosima. Povijest ovog poremećaja datira još u 17. stoljeće, no tek je krajem 20.stoljeća uvršten u medicinske klasifikacijske sustave. Današnji klasifikacijski sustavi donose jasne dijagnostičke kriterije koji trebaju biti zadovoljeni da bi se postavila dijagnoza ovog poremećaja. Ova dijagnoza najčešće se postavlja u odrasloj životnoj dobi, no postoje brojne činjenice koje govore u prilog postojanju ovakvog poremećaja i u dječjoj i u adolescentnoj dobi.
Granični poremećaj ličnosti se u dječjoj i adolescentnoj dobi najčešće očituje afektivnom nestabilnošću, poremećajem kontrole impulsa, poremećajima identiteta, te autodestruktivnim ponašanjem, a iste smetnje prezentiraju i odrasli pacijenti. Prevalencija graničnog poremećaja ličnosti u djetinjstvu i adolescenciji usporediva je s onom u odrasloj dobi. Točni uzroci graničnog poremećaja ličnosti još uvijek nisu sasvim poznati, no danas se smatra kako moguće etiološke čimbenike treba tražiti u područjima genetike i okolišnih faktora. Među okolišnim faktorima vodeću ulogu imaju traumatizirajuća iskustva u djetinjstvu.
Osnovu liječenja ovog poremećaja predstavlja psihoterapija. Pozitivni učinci psihoterapije vidljivi su, ne samo u povećanju mogućnosti pozitivnog ishoda liječenja, već i u promjeni epigenetskog statusa pojedinca. Pravovremena dijagnostika i rani početak liječenja povećavaju mogućnost da oboljeli od graničnog poremećaja ličnosti postignu remisiju bolesti i umanje potencijalno teške posljedice poput autodestruktivnih ponašanja. Preporuka stručnjaka je koristiti termin Granični poremećaj ličnosti u razvoju, kada je riječ o djeci i adolescentima.
Abstract (english) Borderline personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by: inadequate emotional regulation, impulsivity, risk behavior, irritability, feeling of emptiness, self-destruction and fear of abandonment as well as unstable interpersonal relationships. The history of this disorder dates back to the 17th century, but it is only at the end of the 20th century that it has been included in medical classification systems. Today, these valid classification systems suggest the exact diagnostic criteria that need to be fulfilled in order to establish a definitive diagnosis of this disorder. This diagnosis is most commonly found in adults, but there are numerous facts that support diagnosis of this disorder in children and adolescents. In children and adolescents, borderline personality disorders are most often manifested by affective instability, impulse control disorders, identity disorders, and self-destructive behavior. The same can be said for borderline personality disorder and in adulthood. Also, statistical data show that the prevalence of borderline personality disorder in childhood and adolescence is comparable to those in adulthood. The exact causes of borderline personality disorder are still not quite known, but today it is considered to be caused by several factors: genetics and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, traumatic experiences in childhood play a leading role. The basis for treatment of this disorder is psychotherapy. Positive effects of psychotherapy are evident not only in increasing the potential for positive treatment outcome, but also in changing the individual's epigenetic status. Timely diagnosis and earlier treatment initiation increase the possibility that people with borderline personality disorder will enter the remission of the disease, as they reduce the possibility of fatal consequences such as suicide. In accordance with all the above-mentioned, borderline personality disorder should be diagnosed immediately after recognizing the symptoms, regardless of age.
granični poremećaj ličnosti
Keywords (english)
borderline personality disorder
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:069601
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-12-18 12:19:10